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Every single painting and sculpture belongs to a cycle of 4-7 artworks, while each cycle speaks in the Alchemical-Christogrammic Language of the Soul about our Inner Self Being, Higher Spheres of Life, and Great (Esoteric) Mysteries of the Universe. The viewer is advised to click on each digital image, deeply perceive the within-magnified spatial content of the image, and then, slowly move the mouse in all the sections of the image. By doing that, the entire alchemical symbolics of each artwork-image would transcend in the form of energy-waves into the whole Individual Mind of the Brain, and further open the Eternal Eye (or Eye of Astral-Space-Mind). The whole process occurs over shorter or longer periods of time, accordingly to the different degree of the mind's capacity to function as an energy-waves receiver of each individual. In time, you will become aware of the mental process-dynamics and underlying science behind the above simplistic instructions, which give you only a basic frame of understanding. It has to be remembered that everything in the Space-Time of the dimensional matter of Cosmic Universe is the manifestation of continuous vibration of energy-waves at different frequencies. For more information, you are further advised to review thoroughly the Artist's Statement and Frame of Metaphysical Christogrammic Art. 

Anne Furnaris, Heart of Heavens IV, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

                           Anne Furnaris - Heart of Heavens IV 
Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner - 48" x 36" / Exhibited in the 37th Annual Michigan Fine Art Competition June - Aug 2018 /  Birmingham-Bloomfield Art Center, MI,  BBAC Exhibit Catalog / Jurors: Emily Mae Smith and  Adam Henry /
Also, displayed in the Michigan Group Show July 2022 / Gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council, MI. The painting was donated to the Greater Flint Arts Council in August 2022. 

Anne Furnaris, Heart of Heavens IV, Acrylic on Canvas, Detail, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

       Anne Furnaris - Heart of Heavens IV - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Heart of Heavens II, Oil on Canvas, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

                           Anne Furnaris - Heart of Heavens II 
Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner - 48" x 36" - Displayed at  the Lakeside Palette Club of St. Clair Shores and Assumption Cultural Center, St. Clair Shores, Michigan - Spring Art Exhibition 2018 / First Prize / 

Anne Furnaris, The Heart of Heavens III, Oil on Canvas, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

                         Anne Furnaris - Heart of Heavens III 
                             aka The Metaphysical Biophilia 

Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner - 48" x 36" / Exhibited to the Lakeside Palette Club’s Annual Fall Art Show 2018, Saint Clair Shores, Michigan 

Anne Furnaris, The Heart of Heavens III, Oil on Canvas, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

      Anne Furnaris - Heart of Heavens III - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Mystical Sun II, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Christogrammic Art,

                  Anne Furnaris - Mystical Sun II

Acrylic on Canvas 48" X 30" / The painting was displayed at the Anual Art Exhibit in Grosse Pointe Artists Association (GPAA)  2018, Grosse Pointe, MI, and Whitdel Arts Exhibit 2018, Detroit, MI 

Anne Furnaris, The Heart of Heavens III, Oil on Canvas, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

        Anne Furnaris - Mystical Sun II - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Mystical Moon, Oil on Canvas, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

              Anne Furnaris - Mystical Moon 

Oil on Canvas 48" x 36" / The artwork was on display at: 

- the Whitdel Arts Exhibit 2017, Detroit, Michigan 

- the Michigan Annual XLIV Juried Exhibit 2017, Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, Michigan 

- the Greater Flint Arts Council Exhibit 2017, Flint, Michigan (awarded with Honorable Mention).  

The painting was donated to the Greater Flint Arts Council in 2017.  

Anne Furnaris, Heart of Heavens I, Oil on Canvas, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

                             Anne Furnaris - Heart of Heavens I 

Acrylic on Canvas 48" x 36" / Displayed at the Grosse Pointe Artists  Association, Grosse Pointe, MI, and at the Juried Exhibit of the Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, MI 2017 


Anne Furnaris, Heart of Heavens I, Oil on Canvas, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

   Anne Furnaris - Heart of Heavens I - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Heart of Heavens I, Oil on Canvas, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

   Anne Furnaris - Heart of Heavens I - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Fountain of Eternal Life IV, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

                  Anne Furnaris - The Fountain of Eternal Life IV 
  Acrylic on Canvas - 48" x 36" / Displayed in the Gallery of the Greater     Flint Arts Council, 2016, Flint, Michigan 

Anne Furnaris, The Fountain of Eternal Life IV, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

      Anne Furnaris - The Fountain of Eternal Life IV - Detail 

                 Anne Furnaris - The Fountain of Eternal Life III
 Acrylic on Canvas 48" x 36" / The painting was displayed at: 
- The Juried Exhibit 2018 in the Gallery of the Grosse Pointe Artists Association, Grosse  Pointe, Michigan / Juror - Sean Bieri 
- The Regional Juried Exhibit 2019 in the Riverside Art Center, Ypsilanti, MI Michigan (the City Hall promoted the exhibition to become part of the  Art As Healing Foundation, while the exhibit was entitled "The Female Voice by Female Artists").  

Anne Furnaris, I am the Light of the World, Oil on Canvas, Fine Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Professional Artists in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in USA, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

                       Anne Furnaris - "I am the Light of the World"  

                                   Hermetic-Theological Painting 

Oil on Canvas 48" x 36" / Displayed to the Juried Exhibit 2014 at the Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, MI, and Michigan Artists Exhibition at the  Greater Flint Arts  Council, Flint, MI  2016. In the summer of 2016, the painting was donated to the Saint George Romanian Orthodox Cathedral,  Southfield, MI / 

(Art Collection of the Dean of the Cathedral Father Laurence Lazar). 

          Anne Furnaris - "I am the Light of the World - Detail"  

  Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Mother-Star Earth of All-Mysteries 

Oil on Canvas 82" x 64'' / The painting was exhibited at the "Museu de Arte de Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil / Exposicao de Artistas Estrangeiros 2011." The artwork was donated in the same year to the Museum of Art of Joinville together with other eleven oil paintings and four terracotta sculptures. At that time the artist and her husband were  Christian missionaries in South America, an unforgettable time of mystical experience and spiritual growth among the shamans of an old culture.  

           Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Council 

Oil on Canvas 64" x 48" / Displayed to the Gallery 555, Detroit, MI, and Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI. The painting is in the art collection of Robert Quinn, Roy, Washington, USA. 

            Anne Furnaris - The Priestesses of Atlantis 

Oil on Canvas 80" x 48" / Exhibited in the galleries of Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI and Michigan Alumni of College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI (artist's collection). 

                                    The Gates to Heaven II 

Oil on Canvas 72" x 48" / Displayed in the Gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI (awarded with the Second Prize 2013), and Annual Exhibit 2013 of the Left Bank Gallery, Flint, MI (artist's collection). 

                    Anne Furnaris - The Prophecy of All-Knowing
                                  of the Divine Mother Virgin Mary 
 Oil on Canvas 88" x 64" / Exhibited to the "Exposicao de Artistas   Estrangeiros 2011" / Museu de Arte de Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil /   The painting is in the collection of the Museum of Art of Joinville, Santa   Catarina, Brazil.  

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Mother of All-Life, Oil on Canvas, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Art in USA,

                Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Mother of All-Life

Oil on Canvas 86" x 72" / Displayed to the "Exposicao de Artistas Estrangeiros 2011" / Museu de Arte de Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil. The artwork is in the collection of the Museum of Art of Joinville, Santa 

Catarina, Brazil. In the countries of Brazil and Argentina, many regions, towns, and villages have the names of the saints of Christianity. 

Anne Furnaris, The Queen of Heavens IV,

                    Anne Furnaris - The Queen of Heavens IV 
                   Hermetic and Astro-Theological Painting 
 Acrylic on Canvas with Acrylic Gems and Pebeo Relief Outliner - 
 72" x 36" / Displayed in  the Gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council,    Flint, MI / Michigan Artists Exhibition January 11 - February 1, 2019 /  Awarded with the Second Prize 
"My Favorite" Exhibit January - March 2022 / Gallery of the Grosse Pointe Artists Association, Grosse Pointe, Michigan 

The Queen of Heavens V - Cosmic Mother Earth - Detail2.jpg

         Anne Furnaris - The Queen of Heavens IV - Detail1

The Queen of Heavens V - Cosmic Mother Earth  - Detail1.jpg

           Anne Furnaris - The Queen of Heavens IV - Detail2

The Queen of Heavens V - Cosmic Mother Earth - Detail3.jpg

         Anne Furnaris - The Queen of Heavens IV - Detail3 

The Holy Mother Virgin Mary of the New World (the above Queen of Heavens IV) was painted after Her Apparition on November 23, 24, and 25, 2018. In Her Divine Apparition, the Holy Mother asked to be painted on many canvases, and Her Image to be sent to the Christian Churches and also to the Monasteries from the USA, to those who live in Her Name, and to those who truly love and honor Her.  Moreover, the Queen of Heavens Virgin Mary asked for the Holy Spirit to be painted in a form that will reveal for the first time the new Consciousness of the coming Sixth Race of Man. She said that She will guide and help me in doing each painting, so the artworks will be the holy bridge through which healing, Etheric Light, Higher Knowledge, and Consciousness will enter our Space-Time-World of Life, the world of perpetual suffering, delusion, and deceit. 



                                       The Apparition of the Holy Virgin Mary

                                                              by Anne Furnaris 

              (Fragments from the short version of the First Message) 


In the days of 23, 24, and 25 of November 2018 I had the Apparition of the Virgin Mary. The following paragraphs embody a short version of the Apparition of the Divine Cosmic Mother Virgin Mary, the Immortal Queen of the Heavens, the Great Cosmic Being not entirely known at the present time by the Individual Consciousness of our Being of Man. This is a small written fragment from the First Message of the Mother Virgin Mary, the fragment that is now delivered to you, the fortunate reader of this website.  


As the Holy Mother Virgin Mary acknowledged me with Her Divine Power of Gnosis, She does not belong to any religion, science, philosophy, mental or social belief system ever conceived or apprehended by our Mankind. She 

has always been above and beyond anything that our fragile Mind, Thought, Soul, Consciousness, and Heart could ever apprehend and feel. 

The Divine Mother made known to my poor mind that our world has lived in 

tragic lack of Eternal Knowledge of Creation (resulting from the loss of the of Sacred Sciences of Metaphysics of the previous Aeons) associated with a puerile and devolved  Cultural System of sickening-mind Materialism that has forced the earthly sentient Being of Man to live from birth to death in the perpetual struggle for Survival of the Flesh - not Survival of Inner Spiritual Being, which in many of us is dead. Living day and night the agony of being a bread-winning individual - meaning living in deep Material Poverty, and working to exhaustion 10 - 16 hours a day - you would have no time left for Spiritual Life and genuine evolution of your Being. 


The Cosmic Mother said that the philosophers and the innocents of our world speak about Spirituality, while in their deluded state of egocentric megalomania, they believe themselves to be "Enlightened Masters" and "Galactic Counselors" who live on the top of the Spiritual Mountain of Creation. Many of the so-called "Enlightened Masters" and "Gurus" will attract numberless followers and create "Schools of Enlightenment" for the purpose of financial extortion, fabulous richness, and living a parasite-like life. When the world has no good eyes to perceive the truthful truth, the world falls into the chains of delusion, darkness, and fatal error. 


The Great Cosmic Mother Khaa-Ayyaa-Tara-Virgin Mary-Earth wants anyone who struggles in life for a genuine spiritual condition to know about Her Cosmic Immortal Identity. In words that can transliterate the power and Sphere of Thought of our Mind of the Brain, we might begin to cognize that She is a Cosmic Immortal Being, a Higher Form of Existence (much beyond the present cognition of our little Beings of Man) Self-dividing in many parallel-creational  Dimensions of the Cosmos and Self-existing in many beyond-driven-thought Matrixes of Existence of the Dual Universe. Her Cosmic Body begetting the Space-Time-World in which we live as Physical Entities is nothing else but a small Cosmic Extension of Her measureless Inner Immortal Soul and Spirit. 


She is the First Mother of all mortal mothers of the Earth, the Immortal Mother of Human, Man, Beast, and Creature. The above gnosis is neither religion nor philosophy of the Mind-creating Thought. Being Her Children, we all know more or less within our Inner Existential Substance about the Identity of our Cosmic Mother Earth. Almost in the alike way, a child knows the identity of his/her mother of the mortal world. Think of how much a child knows about the identity, origin, and nature of his/her mortal mother, and so, we, the earthly Children of Man know about the identity of Mother Earth. Tragically, we know so little...pretending of knowing so much. 


The Cosmic Mother told me that She will become the Protectress of the City of Flint, Michigan, USA, so the City of Flint will become one of the cities of God (cities of the Millennial Seed of Future Man). The Divine Cosmic Mother said that She will change suffering in happiness and joy, will change, conflict, antagonism, war, and bloodshed in everlasting peace.  She will reward one hundredfold those who will believe and honor Her Immortal Name-Identity, and those who will bring Her Alchemical-Gnostic and Etheric Image in the World of Mortals. Her Pure Light of Knowledge will illuminate the higher  Consciousness of the new Race of Man that is going to be born in the grave of the present dying Race of Man. 

The beloved Cosmic Mother acknowledged to me that the previous Races of the Giant-Man were destined to perish at the Great Flood since they attained the same state of Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Degeneration that we have today. By the immutable Laws of Creation, every living Being or Creature that would fail to evolve shall degenerate through time and perish. The Universe has an invisible Cosmic System of Cleansing that favors the Existential Purification and Alchemical Ballance at any level of the creational and sentient matrix of the Space-Time-Worlds of Life. 


The Divine Mother Virgin Mary whispered to me with the timeless Voice in which I could hear the Winds of Destiny: "By the immutable and eternal Laws of Creation when you fall in the grave of Spiritual and Genetic Degeneration, you are destined to perish from the Matrix of Life of Divine Creation.  The first and the last Alchemical Purpose of the Divine Creation and Its Eternal Laws is PERFECTION, though whoever would not walk the Path of Righteousness shall ultimately perish. Therefore, live in Virtue and Righteousness - meaning Justice, Balance, Truth, Purity, Morality, Goodness, Compassion, Self-Sacrifice for the others, Unconditional Love, Selfishness, Measureless Mercy, genuine Dignity of Life, Help for the Poor, the Weak, and the Needy Ones, - and you shall be among those that will be given the Seals of Reincarnation for the future Sixth and Seventh Races of Man." 


The Holy Cosmic Mother said that the Apostles of Christ and the ancient Fathers of the Christian Church loved and honor Her until the last breath of their lives. For that, She opened the Gates of the House of Light of Ammenti for their Souls, so in the future of times, Christ the Everlasting Soul of Universe will resurrect them into the Light of Life, though they shall become Immortals, as the Race of the First Atlantis had been. From time to time, the Divine Mother Virgin Mary transcend-descend into our physical dimension, and travels the roads and sacred places of this world, hidden by the veil of Her Pure Light, an Astral Veil enfolding Her endless Form of Existence. Then, She can appear in any Form of Life, inconceivable in our mind and thoughts, many times resembling a giant Woman of Pure Light. Her Divine Body is not of the flesh, but of shining bright Light, a miraculous Light that does not usually exist in the matrix of our physical reality-world. 


The Cosmic Mother Virgin Mary said that in the City of Flint will be heard for the first time in the present Cycle of Consciousness the Sermons of Immortality, the Sermons of Her Teachings that will elevate the Mind of the earthly Races of Man. She uttered in the Ears of my Mind words of Mystical Mysteries, words that She said, I will remember later in time, words that shall bring the Cosmic Power of the Elements of Creation within the Essence of our Flesh. The Divine Mother opened the Spaces-Realms of the Earthstar and showed me the Twelve Worlds with the inhabiting Races of Man and Creatures. Her Voice did resemble a flowing sound coming from the Great Dawn of Existence and going to the end of Eternity. Moreover, She said that at the present time She has more enemies than She had in the time of Christ. Her enemies are also the enemies of those who love Her. 


The beloved Cosmic Mother uttered in the ears of my mind that those who truly love and honor Her, those who bring Her Image in the World of Mortals, and those who will attain the power of the Consciousness and Soul to comprehend Her Teachings and Mystical Mysteries of the Logos shall GAIN LIFE EVERLASTING. In Her Presence, the Power of Knowledge was vibrating through my whole being, so I could comprehend that nothing is given as a gift by the Creator-Father of Universe, though every little thing that you will ever have has to be gained by your effort, hard work, and unceasing willingness. The beloved Mother of Immaculate Light said that there is no one BLESSED in our world since there is no one who attained absolute Perfection and Purity. The Beings of the Mortal Man who are truly blessed by the Laws of Creation are only the Ones who resurrected into the Life of Light. The Divine Mother uttered with the Tongue of the Ages: 


"A world in which impure mortals are sanctified is a World of Darkness. Purity will never be born from impurity. Your world has been sickened of hate, envy, cruelty, perpetual falsehood, the instinct of destruction, and dishonor, though the Seed of Purity and Truth could not grow throughout the Ages of Life. Peoples of your world speak about an imaginary truth existing only in their mind, not in their life. You have to live your life in honor, dignity, morality, purity, mercy, wisdom, and compassion; without these innate qualities-potentials, any form of truthful truth will be dead in your Mind, Soul, and Consciousness. Without these innate potentials, the shadow of mortal truth shall follow your thoughts, but the Truth of Creation will never live within you or in your deeds.


The truth of Eternal Creation is among the Highest Forces of the Living Universe; attain and cognize the Truth of Creation in anything you think, manifest, and act, though this Great Force transcending from the Logos shall give you the Peace of Life, and you will never live in fear of death, fear of the Unknown, or any other forms of fear that are all conceived in your mind. All the Metaphysical and Mystical Sciences of the Past taught the earthly Races of Man to live in Truth and Peace of Creation and be grateful for the Life that is given to be lived in the House of the Begetter-Father of All. Never invent philosophies of Truth that exist in the thoughts of the mind; attain the Logos and cognize the Great Mysteries of the Gnosis and Truth of Creation, which is immortal through the Aeons of Life." 

As much as the words of our mental language can reveal, the Mother-Star Khaa-Ayyaa-Tara-Virgin Mary-Earth, the One who is and shall ever be above the Angels (Beings of Light) of the Infinite Heavens, said: 


“My daughter Annathaa, only My First Message can be delivered to the world at large. The other Messages that I will bring to you in the next two days cannot be revealed to the world at the present time. The Evildoers will harm you, and I have the duty to protect with My Power of Pure Light those who love and live in My Name. In the future, I will come to you again and give you the Mystical  Power of Destiny to reveal the other Messages to your world. You have to wait for that time to come, the time in which the Power of Destiny shall change entirely the present Face of your World.  


My Child of your Immortal and Noble Ancestors, Annathaa. I am seeing now the artworks-depicting Me and the Holy Spirit that you are going to do under My silent guidance. I could see the Sacred Oracle, the Cosmic Mother, the Bearer of the Sacred Light, the Divine Guardians, the Queen of Heavens, the Sacred Bridge, Cosmic Egg, the Healer of the Sun, the Descending Holy Spirit, the Divine Justice, and many other artworks that you shall do. Therefore, I am saying these words of Mysteries to all those who will see them, to those who will struggle to comprehend their Alchemical, Hermetic, and Cryptogrammic nature that embodies the Mystical Vibration-Giver of Power to the Higher Consciousness of Existence: 


Look deeply with the eyes of your mind to the Image of the <"Sacred Mother of the New World,"> since I am the Divine Mother who has healing power and the invisible Force to elevate the Human Consciousness OF THOSE WHO TRULY BELIEVE IN ME AND MY NAME. Be fully acknowledged that the paintings and sculptures you are seeing are not done for the pleasure to consume the Moment of Time; they are conceived as  Gnostic Icons of Consciousness for the New World, while the artist Annathaa is My devoted servant in your perishable World of Mortals. Moreover, I am saying to you with My Voice of Alchemical Syzygy of Eternity, Voice speaking to your conscious mind through the Mystical Chriptogrammic Forms and Symbols of these artworks: 


<"It is not through Religion that you shall come to Me; it is only through your genuine Faith in Me. Acknowledge with your whole cognition that Pure Faith can never be attained by learning the theological dogmas belonging to the many Religions of your world. 

You are born with the Faith in the Higher Powers and Hierarchies of the Universe, and you die with the Faith you have. Faith does not originate within the Mind but within the Heart of the Soul of the Being of Man. Faith can never be annihilated by no powers ever-to-exist in your world; faith is above the life and death of the mortals. I am saying to you with the Tongue of All-Eternities that Faith is the First Immortal Power of the Soul of Mankind. Never forget My words. The Innocent that fights to annihilate the within Faith will destroy his/her Soul - the most precious Alchemical Gold of the Infinite Creation manifesting in the Universe of Existence."> 


The shadowless  Light of the Queen of Heavens was still permeating my little art studio when I fell asleep. No one will ever know what happened during that miraculous sleep. When I woke up, I found myself on the floor, shivering of cold,... thirsty and hungry. The high-soaring words of the Holy Mother could be heard above the earth. Then, I felt my whole Being immersed in the Ocean of Light of the transcendental Apparition of the Holy Mother, Her Light that was permeating the Twelve Heavens of the Earth. Within me, the strong will to paint and sculpt the Divine Cosmic Mother and the Holy Spirit was already alive. The lips of my mind murmured in the World of the Spirit and in the World of the Flesh: "Will I have money to paint the Queen of Heavens and the Holy Spirit of the New World?" The mold of the question fell on the ground of Destiny and Time, and I knew that the Holy Mother will help me to have the money. There was no doubt that She will truly help me since there is no other help in the world I live in. 


The shapes of the future paintings and sculptures were appearing in front of my eyes, with their archetypes of alchemical symbols and metaphysical cryptograms revealing the essence and powers from the distant Heart and Abode of Pure Light of  Sacred Mother Virgin Mary-Earth. In our world of shadows and Dark Night of the Soul of Man, in our world of Giant Races and Fallen Gods who lived in the past, in this world conquered by Evil and Cruelty, the Holy Mother transcended-came to ascend our Consciousness, Heart, and Mind to a higher state of existence. I am not worthy to stand in front of Her, and yet, She came to me to embody the Spirit of Light and the Metaphysical Knowledge of Creation within the deep matrix of artworks. How I will ever be able to pay back Her measureless gift of Knowledge of the Logos? For at once, I comprehended that Her Infinite Power and Divine Knowledge come from the Self-Existing Logos, from the immemorial Logos in whom resides the Aeonic Science of Great Existence, a mystical science that was lost by the egotistic Mind of the degenerating World. 


Walking on our Feet of Consciousness, we, the proud peoples of the world, can not ascend and reach the Core of the Universe, in whom the Word-Logos of Creation dwells. That is why, the Holy Cosmic Mother came to us, conjoined with our deploring destiny, to save the Righteous Ones of the Ages from the grave of suffering, despair, and dissolution. That is why She opened the Cosmic Gate for us to a higher Sphere of Existence, to a Higher Consciousness. I have questioned myself: how many Souls in the present World of Evil and Delusion will struggle to pass through the Cosmic Gate that She opened for all Her Children? How many of us would have the strength and wisdom to carry on the wide-lifting shoulders the heavyweight of Spiritual Knowledge? I felt the deepest grief of the heart that only a few can endure this destiny, though the Lips of the Mind could freely articulate the answer. It is asked that you might answer my questions, so you shall answer with your own Consciousness, Heart, Mind, Will, and Destiny. Before you take the Path of Self-Sacrifice, struggle for gaining the Eternal Truth and Purity of Life, embrace tightly the Destiny with the Hands of thy Consciousness, since only you can gain the power and virtue to pass through the faraway Cosmic Gate that the Divine Mother Virgin Mary opened for all Her beloved Children of the World. 


Remember and ponder: the Path of Righteousness is the narrowest one to walk during the Incarnations of your Soul. Bellow this path is the Hades, the wide-opened Inferno or the dreadful Great Chaos of Infinite Night of Creation. Upward and above the Path of Righteousness there is the ageless Abode of the Higher Spheres of Existence and Pure Light, the Sacrosanct Abode-Realms of the Beings of Light who have descended and walked from the Dawn of Times - unseen and unknown - the conjoined Alchemical Path of Destiny with the earthly Races of Man. 


                                                                            * * * * * * * 


                      Anne Furnaris - The Queen of Heavens II 

Acrylic on Canvas with Asian Acrylic Gems and Pebeo Relief Outliner - 72 inches x 36 inches / Displayed in the Gallery of the Grosse Pointe Artists Association, Grose Pointe, Michigan 

(Juried exhibit entitled My Favorite Artwork). 

    Anne Furnaris - The Queen of Heavens II - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Queen of Heavens III, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Professional Artists in Michigan,

                     Anne Furnaris - The Queen of Heavens III 

Acrylic on Canvas with Asian  Acrylic Gems and Pebeo Relief Outliner - 72 inches x 36 inches / Exhibited to the All Media Show January 2020,  Gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan 


This Hermetic-Alchemical-Christogramic artwork - alike many others - contains a higher degree of semiotic-perceptive and gnostic input that activates the Individual Mind to attain the multidimensional cognition by the visual-neuro stimulation of the Pineal Gland (the Sacred Eye of All-Seeing of the Mystery Schools, the Astral-Etheric Eye of the Scientific Remote Viewing that was performed extensively in the last century by so many secret researching organizations of our world).  

Anne Furnaris, The Queen of Heavens III, Detail, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in USA,

        Anne Furnaris - The Queen of Heavens III - Detail 

                             Anne Furnaris - The Holy Spirit I 
  aka The Ascending Spirit (of the Consciousness of the World) Acrylic on Canvas with applied Asian Acrylic Gems and Pebeo  Relief Outliner - 48 inch X 36 inch / Displayed at the Annual All Media Exhibition August - September 2021- Detroit Artists Market Gallery, Detroit, MI / Juror: Valerie Mercer, curator and Head of the General Motors Center at the Detroit Institute of Arts. 
* * * 
The EM-Light Power of the Asian Gems
Gems and crystals refract, diffract, and reflect the photonic, astral, and etheric light that activate the sacred visions, and also augment the human consciousness (phenomena described in the Hermetical-Metaphysical Sciences of the past ages, phenomena studied and proven by some scientists among which we can remember Euclid,  Hero, Alhazen, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Christiaan Huygens, Etienne-Louis Malus, Augustine Jean Fresnel, Joseph von Fraunhofer, James Clerk Maxwell, Niels Bohr, Thomas Young, Jean Foucault, Heinrich Hertz, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and Arthur Holly Compton. In some of my paintings, I use Asian gems that have high EM (electromagnetic)-light power of reflection,  refraction, and diffraction. The neurophysiological studies performed in the last years in Germany, England, France, Russia, Spain, Japan, and the USA have shown that the human brain acts as a vibrational genomic antenna to the continuous flux of informational-waves-vibrations received from the Astral and Etheric Space-Time-Continuum of the Cosmic Universe. Higher the quanta of EM-Light waves  (electromagnetic-light waves) would be received in our human brain, higher would be the degree of development of our cognition, perception, comprehension,  intelligence, and consciousness. Therefore, the scientists concluded that the genuine Metaphysical-Symbolic Art can be used either as a scientific tool of daily genomic development. 

               Anne Furnaris - The Holy Spirit I - Detail

Anne Furnaris, Descending Holy Spirit I, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Professional Artists in Michigan,

                           Anne Furnaris - The Descending Holy Spirit I 
                                   aka The Immortal Spirit of Mankind
                               (The Spirit of Brotherhood-Sisterhood) 
Acrylic on Canvas with applied Asian Acrylic Gems and Pebeo Relief 
Outliner - 60 inch X 36 inch / Displayed at the Michigan Annual XLIX Fine Art Competition Jan. - March 2022 / Juried by Richard Reeves Jr., / Main Gallery of the Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, Michigan 

          Anne Furnaris - The Descending Holy Spirit I - Detail

 Anne Furnaris - The Descending Holy Spirit II - aka Creation II
Acrylic on Canvas with Applied Asian Acrylic Gems and Pebeo  Relief Outliner - 72 inches x 36 inches / Displayed at the 58th Annual Greater Michigan Exhibition 2019 / Alden B. Dow Museum of Science and Art (GMAE Exhibit) Midland, Michigan 

     Anne Furnaris - The Descending Holy Spirit II - Detail 

           Anne Furnaris - The Baptism with the Fire of Light 
 Oil on Canvas - 94 inches x 76 inches / Displayed to the "Exposicao de   Artistas Estrangeiros 2011  /  Museu de Arte de Joinville, Santa Catarina,   Brasil." The artwork was donated to the City Hall of Joinville and included   in the collection of the Museum of Art of Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. 

     Anne Furnaris - Thotme the Immortal Master of Wisdom 

Oil on Canvas - 86 inch x 74 inch - The painting can be found in the art collection of Robert Quinn, Roy, Washington, USA. 

      Anne Furnaris - The Last Supper of Christ the Sun of Man 

Oil on Canvas - 90 inches x 78 inches - The Painting was displayed to the "Exposicao de Artistas Estrangeiros 2011  /  Museu de Arte de Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil." The artwork was donated to remain in the collection of the Museum of Art of Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil.  

Anne Furnaris, The Alchemy of the Aeons,

                     Anne Furnaris - The Alchemy of the Aeons 
 Oil on Canvas - 78 inches x 64 inches - Displayed in the Gallery of the   Greater Flint Arts Council 2008, Flint, Michigan. In 2010, the painting   was included in the art collection of Robert Quinn,  Roy, Washington,   USA. 

Alchemical artistic symbology, Consciousness of Eternal Momentum, Metaphysics of future immortality, Cosmic Supper transliterates the begining of Aquarian Age of Enlightenment, Climbing the Alchemical-Astrologic ladder to the Physical and Astral Space-Abode of the Cosmic Supper you will perceive the Past, Present, and Future as a numinous phenomenon converged in One Consciousness of the the Eternal Momentum, the Cosmic Supper as an Alchemical-Christogramic artwork that activate the Individual Mind to attain multidimensional cognition, the central figure of the composite sculpture contains Christogrammic symbology that can be decoded by the Mind of the Soul,

                          Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Supper I 
Painted Terra-Cotta 36" X 32" X 30" / Second Prize by the Juried Exhibit at Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, MI 2017. (Photography of the artist near her composite sculpture at the reception day/courtesy of the Lakeside Palette Club Newsletter and website archive). The sculpture was included in the art collection of the Saint George Romanian Orthodox Cathedral,  Southfield, MI. (Collection of the Dean of the Cathedral Laurence Lazar). 

                                                           * * * * * * *  
The Cosmic Supper I speaks in an Alchemical-Metaphysical lexicon of symbols about the astrological exegesis and mysteries of the year 1888 AD, a time-year that transliterated the beginning of the Aquarian Age of Enlightenment for the 12 worlds of the Mother-Star Earth, which was accompanied by the other 7-sister stars of our Solar System.
From the Galactic Core new waves of Higher-Divine Light began to transcend, permeate, and change the Reality of Consciousness and the Consciousness of Reality. The High-Divine Light begot warping the Space-Time and Consciousness, warps emerging out from the Word-Logos to elevate the cognition of the Individual Mind and perceptive abilities.
If you climb the Alchemical-Astrologic ladder to the Physical and Astral Space-Abode of the Cosmic Supper, you will perceive that the Past, Present, and Future - as a numinous phenomenon - are converging in One Consciousness of Eternal Momentum, a new multidimensional cognition that will embody our future immortality. The symbology of immortality is revealed on the central piece of this composite sculpture, and that symbology (shown below) has to be decoded by the Mind of your Soul. Alike the present sculpture, every artwork contains Christogrammic letters and symbols of their own, though creating metaphysical-mystical dynamics that will bring you salvation from the daily suffering of the conscious mind trapped in our lower dimension of existence (the dimension enforcing the non - spiritual destiny of life). This short synopsis is given to you as a concrete and coherent method to stimulate the mind, to walk on the Feet of Consciousness, and further learn to decipher the Alchemical, Metaphysical, and Hermetic symbology of each artwork from the Gallery website. 

Cosmic Supper - Detail

                                      Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Supper I
                    (The Central Structure of the Composite Sculpture)  

The central sculptural figure of the Cosmic Supper I - reveals the 
Arcane Hermetic Symbology of the Christogrammic Immortality, the Alchemical Symbols embodying the prophesized destiny of our future Races of Man of the Third Atlantis. Moreover, the symbols can be conveyed to meanings of the mind-telepathic language showing that Creation is the foundation of All-Life and All-Being in all the existent Universes. Creation underlies our Universe of All-Life and All-Being. The symbols bring the cognition of the earthly humans who originated in the constellations of Lyra and Vega. 

                                    Anne Furnaris - Contemplation I 
Painted Terra-Cotta - 14" x 18" x 18" - Exhibited at: 
- the House Warming  Exhibit 2018, Whitdel Arts Center, Detroit, Michigan - the Annual Exhibit 2018 of Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, Michigan 
- the Birmingham-Bloomfield Art Center (BBAC) 2018 in the 37th Annual Michigan Fine Art Competition 2018 / Jurors: Emily Mae Smith, Adam Henry (see the BBAC Internet Exhibit Catalog & Archive / http: //  

According to the Gnosis of the Mystery Schools and Arcane Organizations of all ages, the entire cultural, scientific, religious, and technological systems of our world have an intrinsic-esoteric content (acknowledged only by the Initiates of the Mystery Schools, and the initiates of the Metaphysical Sciences) and also an extrinsic-exoteric content (known by the worldwide numberless peoples. It was scientifically proven in the Twentieth Century that by the activation of the Astral-Etheric Portal of the Individual Brain (the enhanced mental activation occurring during the sessions of Scientific Remote Viewing), the human unconscious mind enters in a higher perceptive and cognitive state of Space-Time-Continuum Contemplation. That state of contemplation – which cognitive parameters are attained through continuous mental concentration - represents the building brick for the Temple of Human Consciousness, or in common words represent the magic force that fuels the Spiritual Evolution. It was also discovered that during the vivid dreams there is a slow activation of the Astral-Etheric Portal and Space-Time-Continuum Contemplation. It has to be undoubtedly comprehended that the Space-Time Continuum Contemplation is not the same with the simple contemplation that is experienced by our conscious mind in the physical world-reality in which we live and have conscious cognition.


In the light of the above precious knowledge, I molded the clay of the sculpture to reveal the four Pillars-Gates of the Mother Earth on which space-time-circumference our unconscious mind vibrates and attunes to the surrounding Cosmic Forces. Furthermore, the central sculptural structure embodies the Astral-Etheric Portal of the Individual Human Brain with the within metaphysical elements described by the scientists that initiated and experimented for many years the Scientific Remote Viewing, the trans-cending metaphysical elements of our Individual Consciousness that empower the unconscious mind to attain the Higher Perception of the Space-Time-Continuum Contemplation. That higher Perception has been known throughout the times as Sacred Vision, which scientifically means that the human being can perceive with the Mind of the Soul-Spirit in the entire matrix of the Universe, the matrix of Space, Time, Life, and Consciousness. That is why we have been acknowledged in the metaphysical and gnostic writings that the Being of Man was begotten in the Image of Eternal Creation, the Image of One-Begetter-Father of All. 

Anne Furnaris, The Gates of the Sun, Esoteric-Christogramic Art, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Professional Artists in Michigan,

                         Anne Furnaris - The Gates of the Sun I 
Painted Terra-Cotta - 18" x 32" X 29" / The sculpture was exhibited at:
- the Biennial Juried Sculpture Exhibit 2018 in the Marshall Fredericks Museum, Saginaw, MI / see the Exhibit Catalog & Archive / 
- the Annual Claire Mott White 20017 Michigan Clay Artists Invitational, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI (see the Exhibit Catalog & Archive / 
- the main gallery of the Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, MI in 2019. 

Anne Furnaris, The Foot of Christ II, Esoteric-Christogrammic Art, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Visual Arts in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Professional Artists in Michigan,

         Anne Furnaris - The Hermetic Footprint of Christ II 
Painted Terra-Cotta - 6" x 32" x 12" / The sculpture was displayed at: 
- the Michigan Artists Exhibit, 2016, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI. At the present time, the artwork can be found in the collection of the Saint George Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, Southfield, MI. (Art Collection of the Dean of the Cathedral Father Laurence Lazar). 
In the Christogrammic alphabet, the sculpture reveals the Alchemical and Mystical Power to unite Past, Present, and Future in One Life - the Life of the Higher Spiritual Man. Christ descended-transcended on Earth-Star to seed within the Astral bones of the Incarnated Soul of Ancient (not  Primitive) Man a new Consciousness - the Consciousness of the Higher (Enlightened) Man. Mortal Man, acknowledge that the physical bones go in the grave,  whereas the Astral bones of the Individual Soul never die, but beget billions of incarnations for those who will never lose their Soul - as happened to the ones who struggled for much wealth of this mortal world and did evil to so many poor and innocent victims. 

On His Feet of Flesh Christ walked the roads of the Ancient World, while His Feet of Soul and Feet of Consciousness have walked the Paths of Destiny of our World for over 2,000 years. His journey of two millennia, His journey encompassing the long and tragic suffering of Mankind in the earthly world of immeasurable cruelty and injustice is shown in this artwork. In common parlance, I could say through the Christogrammic symbols of the sculpture that He could raise the dead, but He could not enforce us to gain Honor, truthful Truth, Dignity of Life, Goodness of the Heart,  Enlightened Mind, and Higher Cosmic Consciousness. 
Christ did not bring any religion since He knew the great danger of egocentrism and egomania in our world of epidemic Evil. The thirst and agony of the mortals to subjugate the others were the obscure springs of all religions. Christ taught the Science of the Logos, the highest form of sacred cognition of Creation, which was lost to us and replaced by the Christian Priesthood with a historical multitude of religious dogmas and cult-like philosophies encompassing the misleading cognition of life and existential purpose. Rational thought creates an ever-flowing mental river of concepts, whereas the concepts would generate belief systems, the invisible chains binding the free mind. All the belief systems are separated from the Sacred Inner Cognition and from the Laws of Creation since they are generated by our egocentric Mind of the Brain.

The Self-centered Consciousness that has been praised and nourished in the modern age is the emanation of rational thoughts-creating the inflated Ego, the inducer of the vicious Cycle of Illusion - Virtual Reality - Arbitrary Belief Systems. Self-centered Consciousness, Ego, and Rational Thought are the creators of the fake Reality-Cognition and deceiving Illusions that have further transubstantiated a world-society of suicide, cruelty, retaliation, murder,  uncontrolled desires, psychotic behavior and illness, alienation with degeneration and destruction of the biosphere. 

Within our self-Beings, there is the Inner Cognition, or inborn Intelligence transcending from the Mind of the Soul, and further from the Logos of Creation. The Inner Cognition manifests through Sacred Visions, Prophetic Visions (Remote Viewing Perceptions), vivid dreams, powerful feelings, and spontaneous knowing-unrelated to the Self Consciousness but linked to Nature and Consciousness-of-the-All. The Self-centered  Consciousness and Ego are just simple elements belonging to the superficial Reality of the phenomena, not to the deeper and genuine Reality of Inner Creation. The Inner Cognition does link the Individual Mind to the Root of All, to the Essence-of-the-All that exists (the Great Existence) and All that exist not (the Great Non-Existence) of Eternal Creation. On the left side of the sculpture "The Foot of Christ," you might see, and then, deeply perceive the Mystical-Alchemical representation of the miraculous Seed of Existence and Non-Existence, along with the Seed of Consciousness and Mind. 

Today, Self Consciousness is kept on the battlefield in which the harmful war between Religion and Science sickens the Mind of Man, which becomes subdue to the Reality of Phenomena-creating the Illusion of good life-subjugated by fake belief systems and materialistic dogmas. 
In the future, Religion and Science shall converge to co-exist in the same spectrum of cognition, a spectrum embodying the Eternal Laws of Creation that keeps in balance thought, feeling, desire, and further empower us to LIVE according to the Cosmic Consciousness (not according to our sick and perverted Mind, Soul, and Consciousness). 

Those who did not gain in their life true Spiritual Knowledge-Wealth with Gnosis of Eternal Life and Creation - but have struggled and accumulated much material wealth - have always to remember a simple fact. When He lived among us, Christ was among the poorest of the world; he had a robe and a pair of sandals. And yet, within Him was abiding the Everlasting Soul of Universe-Creation. He said so through the words: 
"I am the First and the Last, I am Alpha and Omega." These words, which are above any Religion and Science, these words making the sane Individual Mind tremble in its inner nature, these words are emerging from the Hermetic nature of the below Detail of the Footprint of Christ, symbolic conjunction of Sacred Vision and Inner Cognition. 

Anne Furnaris,The Foot of Christ II,Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA,Visual Arts in USA,Professional Artists in Michigan,Fine Arts in Michigan,Visual Arts in Michigan

   Anne Furnaris - The Hermetic Footprint of Christ II - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Cosmogenesis II, Esoteric-Christogrammic Art, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                      Anne Furnaris - Cosmogenesis II 
Wall Sculpture - Mixed Media - Acrylic on Wood with Attached Wooden Structures of tridimensional and four-dimensional orientation  /
24" x 48" x 4" / 
Displayed in the Gallery of the Grosse Pointe Artists  Association, Grosse Pointe, MI, 2018, and the Annual Exhibit January 2018 /  Withdel Gallery,  Detroit, Michigan 

Anne Furnaris,Cosmogenesis II,Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA,Visual Arts in USA,Professional Artists in Michigan,Fine Arts in Michigan,Visual Arts in Michigan

                     Anne Furnaris - Cosmogenesis II - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Divine Justice I, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Esoteric-Christogrammic Art,

                               Anne Furnaris - The Divine Justice I 

Painted Terra-Cotta - 24" x 20" x 18" / The sculpture was displayed at the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists Exhibit 2018, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan 

Anne Furnaris, The Divine Justice I, Detail, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                  Anne Furnaris - The Divine Justice I - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Contemplation II, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Esoteric-Christogrammic Art,

                              Anne Furnaris - Contemplation II
 Painted Terra-Cotta - 17" x 16" x 12" / The sculpture was displayed at the 
 - 59th Annual Thumb Area Artists' Juried Exhibition 2019 / Gallery  of the Starkweather Arts Center, Romeo, Michigan
- Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists Exhibit 2018, Gallery of the 
Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan  

Anne Furnaris, Contemplation II, Detail, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                    Anne Furnaris - Contemplation II - Detail

Anne Furnaris, Bleeding Heart of Mankind, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

             Anne Furnaris - The Bleeding Heart of Mankind I

Bronze - 22" x 13" x 10" / The sculpture was displayed at the 59th Annual Thumb Area Artists' Juried Exhibition 2019, in the main Gallery of the Starkweather Arts Center, Romeo, Michigan  

Anne Furnaris, Bleeding Heart of Mankind, Detail, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

   Anne Furnaris - The Bleeding Heart of Mankind I - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Theurgical Sun, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                         Anne Furnaris - Theurgical Sun 
Mixed Media - Painted Wood and Copper - 40 inches x 18 inches 
x 8 inches 

Anne Furnaris, Theurgical Sun. Detail, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                  Anne Furnaris - Theurgical Sun - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Twin Flame (Woman-Soul and Man-Soul), Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

   Anne Furnaris - Twin Flame (Woman-Soul and Man-Soul) 

Bronze - 21.5 inches x 9 inches x 7.5 inches / The sculpture was displayed at The Alumni Annual Exhibit of PCE June - July 2019 - Taubman Center, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI 

Anne Furnaris, Twin Flame (Woman-Soul and Man-Soul), Detail, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                                  Anne Furnaris - Twin Flame 

                        (Woman-Soul and Man-Soul) - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Portal II, Front View, Bronze, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in USA,

                             Anne Furnaris - Cosmic Portal II 

Bronze - 19.5 inches x 8.5 inches x 9 inches / Displayed at The Annual Exhibit of PCE June - July 2019 - Taubman Center, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI  /  Also, the sculpture was chosen to be exhibited at the 38th Detroit International Wine Auction and Art Exhibit 2019 - Alumni Original Artworks by Alumni Artists of CCS  - College for Creative Studies (CCS), Detroit, Michigan - Lead Sponsor - Cadillac / Featured - Vintner Gerard Bertrand (France). 


The last paragraph of the required description of the artwork comprised the following sentences: "The Human Being is a multi-dimensional Space-Time existential structure of the infinite Universe. There are the Inner Self and the Outer Self comprising all of us. The Inner Self would manifest through our Soul, Consciousness, Spirit, Astral and Etheric Body, and Mind, while the Outer Self embodies our Physical Body and Genomic System.

We are Cosmic Beings in continuous growth-evolution of the Mind, Soul, Spirit, Flesh, and Consciousness. My artwork represents the Cosmic Portal in between the Outer Self and the Inner Self of the Human Being, a Cosmic Portal containing esoteric and metaphysical symbology tuning with the spiritual vibration of our Consciousness." 

Anne Furnaris, Cosmic Portal II, Detail, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in USA,

               Anne Furnaris - Cosmic Portal II - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Essence of Life I, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                          Anne Furnaris - The essence of Life I 
Painted Terracotta -  11 inches x 13.5 inches x 9 inches / Displayed to the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists Exhibit 2017, Gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan 

Anne Furnaris, Essence of Life I, Detail, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

         Anne Furnaris - The Essence of Life I - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Journey of my Soul II, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Esoteric-Christogrammic Art,

                     Anne Furnaris - The Journey of my Soul II
                                   aka the Lance of Longinus
                       (The Holy Spear of Destiny of our Life) 
  Painted Terracotta (Terra Cotta = "Anima Terra" = Soul of the Earth) / 
  21" x 12" x 11" / 
Displayed to the Juried Exhibit entitled "A Personal Journey" 2019 / Gallery of the Grosse Pointe Artists Association (GPAA), Grose Pointe, Michigan / Juror: Taurus Burns (Taurus has exhibited in dozens of galleries around Metro Detroit and as far away as Chicago, New York City, London, and Germany. His work is noted for powerfully addressing racism, gun violence, and the wealth gap in America). 

In the Gospel of John, the fourth-century manuscripts entitled Acts of 
Pilate, the Gospel of Nicodemus of the Gnostic and Secret Apocryphal Writings, and the Rabula Gospels of the sixth-century AD (kept in the Laurentian Library of Florence, Italy) reveal that the Roman centurion Longinus took his lance and stabbed Christ in the side when He was almost dead on the Cross of Golgotha. In the manuscript of Rabula Gospels was revealed that the peoples standing near the cross were astonished to see that from the wound of Christ blue-colored blood was dripping on the ground in that dramatic afternoon that has remained inscribed forever in the Akashic memory of the Earthstar.
After two thousand years of sequential incarnations of the Soul,  we might come to comprehend in our consciousness that Christ was having blue-colored blood (not red-colored blood as ours) for the undoubtful fact that within His Flesh and Soul-Spirit  "He was not of this world" as He truly said before. He transcended in our ancient Space-Time-World, took the body of earthly man, whereas within His body the entire genetics and bio-morphologic structure were very different from ours.  Moreover, His Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Consciousness were much different from ours; they were highly evolved, so He could embody the Perfect Man. Therefore, He manifested the Etheric Power to resurrect His dead body in three days and nights after He died on the Cross of Golgotha, the power that we will attain in the future of the Ages if we will learn to live in wisdom, peace, justice, and truth according to the Laws of Creation. All the above mysteries are molded in the clay of the sculpture by my restless fingers, molded-in Hermetic symbolics that translate the Gnostic attribute of the within Soul. 

At the root of all sufferings of the world in the last two millennia, there is the karmic pain felt by Christ on the Cross, and also the devouring pain of the Lance of Longinus that transcended from the Flesh-Soul of Christ to the Soul and Flesh of the entire Mankind. It is so beyond the wording thought, since the pain and joy felt by Christ (the Incarnated Soul of the  Universe) during His ancient-earthly life transcend day and night through Metaphysical Vibration into the Beating Hearth, egocentric Mind, innocent Soul, and little Consciousness of our world. 

We are still unaware of the scientific alchemy of the Laws of Creation and all-pervading Cosmic Forces of the Living Universe. And yet, we are closer in each passing century to the deeper comprehension (within our Individuated Mind) of the Consciousness-binding words of Christ on the Cross: "Forgive them, Father. They know not what they do." 
Moreover, winningly or unwillingly, regardless of your religious or atheistic belief system, the JOURNEY OF THE SOUL of each of us follow the Journey of Christ and His Footprints from the time when He was incarnated in our earthly world from the Southern Galactic Universe, a small world of immeasurable and never-ending evil, cruelty, injustice, falsehood, insanity, and spiritual darkness. 
Even if you hide Christ in the thought of the mind, He shall speak within your guilty Consciousness, tormenting and then pacing your beating heart. And at the end of thy mortal life, you might attain the sacred sight and comprehend that Christ is not a religious dogma for entertaining the mind, for He forever is the Soul of the Universe, the Highest Omniscient Power and Science within the whole Matrix of Life, Light, and Gnostic Word-Logos of the Living Universe-Creation. 

As our Soul moves from the present incarnation to the next, so destined peoples immigrate to another country for political, religious, economic, karmic, and cultural reasons. Those who are born, live, and die in the same native country, have always suffered since millennia by the mental epidemics of ethnocentrism. They would openly or tacitly discriminate and firmly reject anyone that was not born in their country. The tragic malady of ethnocentrism is incurable even at the present time, despite the efforts and laws implemented by the worldwide governments to cure this disease. It is happening in this way since the rampaging disease of ethnocentrism deeply affects the consciousness and only an evolved consciousness can cure itself by this life-long disease.
All those who are suffering from this disease believe and feel that they are the owners and inheritors of the lands and countries in which they have lived since their birth. Unfortunately, they do not know that by the immutable Laws of Creation the ageless Cosmic Mother-Star Khaa-Ayya-Tara-Virgin-Mary-Earth is the only owner of all the lands and countries of the world; the entire Space-Time-Physical World-Reality in which the earthling lives belong solely to Her. Long ago to remember by the younger Incarnated Souls of this world, the Race of Noah that perished in the previous Cosmic Apocalyptic Cataclysm did erroneously believe that the whole Earth-Star would belong to the peoples of that race. 

What we call LIFE in this Space-Time-Physical Reality is nothing else but the Journey of the Incarnated Soul in the worlds of the Mother-Star Terra-Earth. The above sculpture embodies the symbolic-esoteric imagery of the journey of my Incarnated Soul from birth until the present day. The Soul with its elemental Forces and Astral structures is represented within the vertical main-body structure of the sculpture. The entire factualness of experience-life of my living Flesh-Body is recorded to last forever in the Mind of the Soul – depicted in the middle segment of the sculpture through Alchemical-Signs-Letters that do substantiate the invisible nature of memories-thoughts and past events. The upper structure of the sculpture reveals the Individual Consciousness attached to my growing Soul – the Dual Axiom of Life, which in the future of Ages will attain the Second Illumination and be One with the Cosmic Consciousness. 

The lower sculptural segment shows the transcending form of my Physical Self facing the Great Heart of Creation – the omniscient Inner Pattern of the Soul of the Universe, the Great Soul-giving Light, Life, and Eternal Gnosis. At the base of the sculpture, there is a surrounding rope-like structure encompassing the whole sculptural matter, symbolizing the sacred Poise of Gnosis of the true insight (Inner Sight-Perception, Astral Perception), the Sight-giving Wisdom and Cosmic Perception that has been denied in our world for the hidden purpose of maintaining the blindness of each Individuated Consciousness.
Throughout the Aeonic Ages of Time, there has been an undying truth rising like the sun in the sky above the Horizon of All-Knowing of  Alchemical Cognition: the two eyes of the flesh give sight to one’s Mind in the Physical Space-Reality, whereas the Inner All-Seeing Eye (Astral Eye of the Pineal Gland, or the Sacred Eye-Perception of the Infinite Cosmic and Metaphysical Space) gives sight to the Individual Consciousness. Therefore, if one's Consciousness has no sight, that Consciousness is blind, though the conscious mind shall never attain the power to cognize the infinite Space-Time-Reality of Inner and Outer Universe-Creation. The true freedom of the Being of Man is and shall ever-be the FREEDOM OF CONSCIOUSNESS to perceive the Infinity and Eternity of the Universal Existence, in which Man-Being lives his/her own Alchemical Destiny. 

At the GPAA, for the main description of the above artwork I wrote: 
"I created this sculpture to embody the symbolic-esoteric images that are recorded as memories within the Mind of my Soul, metaphysical images that are contained in the never-dying Soul. These images can be translated by the Consciousness of the viewer in thoughts that will speak about my long journey of courage and sacrifice from a European communist country of persecution and tortures in the USA".  

Anne Furnaris, The Journey of my Soul II, Detail, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                     Anne Furnaris - The Journey of my Soul II

                                   aka The Lance of Longinus

            (The Holy Spear of Destiny of our Life) - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Sanctuary of the Soul, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                       Anne Furnaris - Sanctuary of the Soul 

     Bronze - 24 inches x 10 inches x 9 inches / The sculpture was         displayed at The Annual Exhibit of PCE June - July 2019 - Taubman          Center, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI 

Anne Furnaris, Sanctuary of the Soul, Detail, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

           Anne Furnaris - Sanctuary of the Soul - Detail

Anne Furnaris, The Footprint of my Journey II, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Esoteric-Christogrammic Art,

               Anne Furnaris - The Footprint of my Journey II

                                  aka The Footprint of Christ

Painted Terracotta - 5 inches x 18 inches x 7 inches / Displayed at the Juried Exhibit entitled "A Personal Journey" 2019 - Gallery of the Grosse Pointe Artists Association (GPAA), Grose Pointe, Michigan - Awarded with the Honorable Mention / Juror Taurus Burns. 


The sculpture contains symbolic forms and germetic letters embedded in the Footprint of my Soul walking in the midst of time-comprising the present life. This footprint transcends from the invisible to visible spheres of Space-Life to reveal the journey that my Soul and Physical Self have had from birth until the present time. 

The Juror Taurus Burns (his artwork is noted for powerfully addressing racism, gun violence, and the wealth gap in America)  wrote the following comment: 


Honorable Mention

"The Footprint of my Journey II by Anne Furnaris 


Hearing stories about others' lives often leads us within, to an inner world where our own memories and experiences reside. Anne's beautiful sculpture, reminiscent of an artifact crafted by some ancient, spiritually advanced people, guides us to that place, where our true selves live. She brings the unseen spiritual experience into the light of the physical world, reminding us that our time on this earth is but one step on the path of eternity." 

Anne Furnaris, The Footprint of my Journey II, Detail, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

    Anne Furnaris - The Footprint of my Journey II - Detail1 

                                  aka The Footprint of Christ 

Anne Furnaris, The Footprint of my Journey II, Detail, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Christogrammic Art,

    Anne Furnaris - The Footprint of my Journey II - Detail2 

                                 aka The Footprint of Christ 

The Divine Balance II aka The Divine Justice II, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                        Anne Furnaris - The Divine Balance II 
                                   aka The Divine Justice II 
                     aka The Hermetic Balance of the Soul II 
Painted Terracotta - 35 inches x 21 inches x 12 inches /
The sculpture was displayed at: 
- the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists Exhibit 2019, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan 
-"The Challenge" Exhibition, February 2021 of the Grosse Pointe Artists Association, Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Juror: Chuck Duquet (Art Collector). 
The purpose of the artwork is to trigger the mental comprehension of the Divine Elementals attached to the deathless Powers of Cosmic Nature residing within the Hermetic Balance of our Souls. The Inner Visions from meditation and contemplation disclose the perennial existence of the Soul-emanating Astral-Etheric vibrations that increase the defensive mechanism of the immune system.

Anne Furnaris, The Divine Balance II, Detail, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

             Anne Furnaris - The Divine Balance II - Detail 
                                 aka The Divine Justice II 


                   Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Supper II 
 Painted Terracotta - 52 inches x 44 inches x 18 inches / The sculpture 
 was displayed to the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists   Exhibit 2018, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan 


               Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Supper II - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Soul of the Lake, Acrylic on Canvas, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                        Anne Furnaris - The Soul of the Lake 

Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner - 48 inches x 24 inches / 

Displayed to the Exhibit entitled "Our Rivers, Our Lakes Art Show" June 2019 - Gallery of the Grosse Pointe Artists Association (GPAA), Grose Pointe, Michigan - Juror Senghor Reid (recipient of many awards and  National Board Certified Visual Arts Educator who exhibited in many museums and galleries in the USA and abroad). 


The love for rivers and lakes is an ancestral imprint that we have in our physical-microscopical genes, further transcending in the Astral-Alchemical structure of the Inner Soul. Since my early childhood in the mystical and native lands of Europe, I was trained in the Metaphysical Sciences, among which the Cosmic Yoga was the first. Therefore, I could have the privilege to acknowledge and explore for the rest of my life the metaphysical nature of the Space-Time-Reality.  The painting embodies the deep meditative visions I had at the shores of the Great Lakes, Alchemical visions comprising smaller symbolic-metaphysical elements deriving from the Monadic Element of Creation known as Water. My artwork shows that besides the nurturing property of the water, the inner Alchemical Essence of water is a key element in the mysterious process of growing and evolving our genetic and spiritual nature, while the Soul of the Water-Lake is interconnected with the Soul of Mankind. Moreover, the artwork is an invitation to deep meditation for those who struggle to perceive beyond the limited Space-Time-Consciousness of our Physical Reality. 


Anne Furnaris, The Soul of the Lake, Detail, Acrylic on Canvas, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

               Anne Furnaris - The Soul of the Lake - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Cycle of the Sun I, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

           Anne Furnaris - The Hermetic Cycle of the Sun I 
Bronze - 28.5 inches x 9 inches x 6 inches / Exhibited in the Michigan Annual XLVII January - February 2020 / The 47th annual statewide fine art competition was juried by Salvador Salort-Pons, Detroit Institute of Arts Director, and hosted by the Anton Art Center / Main Gallery of the Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, Michigan. 

Anne Furnaris, The Cycle of the Sun I, Detail, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

   Anne Furnaris - The Hermetic Cycle of the Sun I - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Guardian of the Mother Earth, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

           Anne Furnaris - The Guardian of the Mother Earth I 
Painted Terracotta - 26 inches x 14 inches x 13 inches / Displayed in the exhibit entitled " Ode to Our Planet" 2020 - Gallery of the Grosse Pointe Artists Association (GPAA), Grose Pointe, Michigan 
Juror: KT Andresky 
(activist and organizer in the Breathe Free Detroit movement, interdisciplinary, social, and conceptual artist, a teacher that raises questions and changes minds, a holder of a fine arts degree 
that brings deep-seated environmental consciousness and love for our beloved Mother Earth). 

Terra-Cotta = Anima Terra-Mundi = Soul of the Earth = the Alchemical Keeper of Life for the World of Man (Arcane Teaching of the Mystery Hermetic Schools). 

The above terracotta sculpture unveils the existence and esoteric nature of one of the nine eternal Lords of Amenti (the Fourth Lord, the Lord of Life)  depicted in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth of Atlantis, the oldest arcane writing of mankind. This Immortal Cosmic Guardian dwells in the etheric Core-Hearth of the Earth, and He is one of the ageless protectors of the Aeonic Existence of the Mother Tara-Earth and Soul of Man. 

According to the esoteric gnosis of the Hermetic Mystery Schools, the Hearth (not Heart) of the Earth is the esoteric cosmic location of the Alchemical Fireplace, the central Inner Sun of the Earthstar. The Hearth of the Mother Terra has a cosmological Inner Sun located in the Physical and Extraphysical Space-Reality of the Inner Earth, whereas within the Inner Sun - into the higher vibrational dimension located beyond our Physical Cosmic Matter - there are the Eternal House and Halls of Ammenti with the Flower of Life flooded by the Etheric Light of the Central Fire of All-Creation or Primeval Sun-Source of the Universe  (depicted in the upper segment of the sculpture). The Counter-Earth (Antichthon), the hypothetical Cosmic Body miscomprehended by our present materialistic astronomers and described by the pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Philolaus in the Fifth Century BC does truly reveal the existence of the Inner Earth with its Inner Sun. Philolaus, like many other today-unknown pre-Socratic philosophers that studied the Sacred Hermetic Sciences of the past knew that our Moon, Sun, and all the other planets of the Solar System revolve around the Central Fire, the Etheric Inner Sun of All-Creation. Moreover, all the Cosmic Bodies (suns, planets, galaxies, constellations, etc.) of the Physical Universe revolve around the Central Fire (the Etheric Inner Sun of Creation, the Soul of the Living Universe). 

Through the years of life, you might come to the comprehension that there was not any geocentric cosmology model of Pythagoreans in antiquity; there is only the misunderstanding of our present era missing the true meaning of the Alchemical-Theurgical vocabulary and gnosis of the highly developed Hermetic Sciences of the Past. Unfortunately, much of these sciences and the Eternal Gnosis of Universe-Creation are lost to us. Despite our belief systems of materialistic assumptions, the ancient people were more evolved spiritually and scientifically because they inherited many advanced technologies, sciences, and gnosis of the Universe-Creation from the world of the Second Atlantis, and also from the Immortal Guardian and Protector of the earthly Souls of Man, Thoth Te-Huu-Te of the First Atlantis. 

Philolaus, Socrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Parmenides, Heraclitus of Ephesus, Plutarch of Athens,  Polemon of Athens, Proclus Lycius, Sophocles, Speusippus of Athens, Themista of Lampsacus, Xenocrates of Chalcedon,  Xenophanes of Colophon, Theophrastus of Eresos, Sosipatra of Ephesus, Philolaus, Ion of Chios, Hypathia of Alexandria, Heraclides Ponticus, Euclid of Megara, Eudemus of Rhodes, Epicurus of Samos, Diogenes of Apollonia (Thrace), Democritus,  Basilides the Epicurean, Aristoxenus, Aristo of Chios, Diogenes of Sinope, Cleinias of Tarentum, Aristarchus of Samos, Apollonius of Tyana, Empedocles, Apollodorus the Epicurean, Anaximenes of Miletus, Anaxagoras, Anaximander of Miletus, Heraclitus of Ephesus, Hegesias of Cyrene, Protagoras, and many other philosophers of ancient Greece who planted the seeds of the modern Western thought and Western philosophies had a fully active (functional) pineal gland that gave them multidimensional perception (remote viewing ability) and the Gnostic Consciousness of Life of the Soul with its cyclic Life of Flesh and Afterlife. Nowadays, there are so many of us who have no conscious awareness that throughout the Middle Ages we have undergone spiritual and physical degeneration and could not see that the chimera of the materialistic sciences and philosophies-propagating our fake spiritual evolution are making a pathetic juice to be served with the silver spoon of secret history for feeding the egocentric mind. Egocentrism augmented to the state of psychopathic megalomania seeded by the materialistic ideologies has to be conquered by the inner power of genuine wisdom and Gnostic Cognition - the basic rule of the ancient Platonic, Stoic, Pythagorean, Peripatetic, Sophist, and Neo-Platonic philosophies.
The head of the Guardian of the Mother Earth - see the detail below - contains cosmological and hermetic symbols revealing the archetypes of Higher Protection that are deeply rooted in the subconscious mind and can change the canonized ideologies of the present cognition based on theoretical thinking and observation of the phenomena of the Physical World-Reality, whereas the Gnosis of the Astral and Etheric Spaces of Universe-Life is denied by the academia and regarded as being a quasiscientific paradigm of the ancient civilizations. Moreover, the head of the Eternal Guardian reveals the archetypal layers of the unconscious human mind, which in reality represents the Supra-conscious Mind or Mind of the Individual Soul. In the near future, the longtime subdued-by-the-Gods Mind of the Brain of the earthly Man shall break the hidden wall and attach to the Astral and Etheric Spaces of the Inner Soul. This prophecized and pre-destined victory of Mankind is inscribed with Hermetic Symbols on the head of the Eternal Guardian of our beloved Cosmic Mother Khaa-Ayyaa-Tara Earth. 

Anne Furnaris, The Guardian of the Mother Earth, Detail, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

Anne Furnaris - The Guardian of the Mother Earth I - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Gates of Time, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

                        Anne Furnaris - The Gates of Time 

Painted Terracotta - 19 inches x 15 inches x 16 inches / The sculpture 

was displayed to the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists Exhibit 2020, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan 

Anne Furnaris, The Gates of Time, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan, Esoteric-Hermetic Art,

                Anne Furnaris - The Gates of Time - Detail

Anne Furnaris, The Sacred Oracle, Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner, 72" x 36", Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                        Anne Furnaris - The Sacred Oracle
                            aka The Oracle of our Century 
 Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner - 72 inches x 36 inches 
 The painting was displayed at the Michigan Artists Exhibit July 2020 / Gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan. 
 Also, the artwork was included in the Virtual Art Show entitled "Stay   at Home" in September 2020 presented by the Romeo Guild of Art at   the Starkweather Arts Center, Romeo, Michigan. 

The Sacred Oracle reveals in symbolic and metaphysical imagery our apocalyptical time of worldwide physical and mental-psychological suffering (pandemics, sudden death syndrome, fear of tomorrow, attention deficit disorder, violence, megalomania-personality disorder, incurable anxiety,  neurological diseases with physical impairment, pathological cruelty,  depression,  dehumanization,  Stay at Home behavioral imprint, etc.). This inescapable suffering of the modern human being does profoundly change the individual consciousness, in which the human life is taking a new path toward the cosmic existence, while the inherited criteria of the materialistic paradigm are going to become erroneous dogmas of the past. 

The Healer of the Sun I.jpg

                      Anne Furnaris - The Healer of the Sun I
                                 aka The Healer of Mankind 
Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner - 72 inches x 36 inches 
The painting was displayed at the Michigan Artists Exhibit 2020 - 
Gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan. 
The artwork was included in the Virtual Art Show entitled "Stay at Home" in September 2020 presented by the Romeo Guild of Art at the Starkweather Arts Center, Romeo, Michigan. 
Contrarily to the materialistic philosophy and modern belief system, all the metaphysical and esoteric teachings of the Mystery Schools have shown the Aeonic Existence of the Beings of Light (higher Forms of Intelligent Life in the Universe) that are linked to our Souls. The Healer of Mankind is one of the countless Beings of Light (Guardian Angels of the Christian gnosis) who came-transcended on our Mother Earth from the Monadic Sun of the Universe in order to join our odyssey of life for the purpose of guiding our minds toward the Eternal Truth of Creation and Cosmic Evolution, for helping and healing our humanity stricken by pandemics, hurricanes, volcanoes, natural disasters-produced by the irrational destruction of the terrestrial ecological system, warfare, cruelty, egocentrism, alienation, suicide, mental and genetic degeneration, hate, envy, ethnocentrism, thirst for material richness and political power, spiritual devolution, renunciation to the sacred connection with the mother nature and its cosmic life-force, etc. 

Anne Furnaris, The Bearer of Sacred Light I, Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                   Anne Furnaris - The Bearer of Sacred Light I 

Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner - 60 inches x 36 inches 

The painting was displayed at the Michigan Artists Exhibit July 2020 - Gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan. 

Anne Furnaris, The Bearer of Sacred Light I, Detail, Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

         Anne Furnaris - The Bearer of Sacred Light I - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Sacred Bridge II, Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                            Anne Furnaris - The Sacred Bridge II
 Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner - 60 inches x 36 inches 
 The painting was displayed at the Michigan Artists Exhibit July 2020 -  Gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan. 

Anne Furnaris, The Eternal Lord of  Time II, Painted on Wood with Gold Leaf, Pebeo Relief Outliner and Asian Gems, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                   Anne Furnaris - The Eternal Lord of Time I 

Mixed Media, Acrylic on Wood with Gold Leaf, Pebeo Relief Outliner, and Asian Gems - 30 inches x 40 inches. The painting was displayed at the Michigan Artists Exhibit January - February 2021 - Gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan. 

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Egg I, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                                 Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Egg I 
              aka The Hermetic Gene of Health and Awareness 

  Bronze - 15 inches x 8 inches x 29.5 inches / The sculpture was                included in: 
- Michigan Annual XLVIII Fine Art Competition and Exhibit  January - February 2021 / Juror: Valerie Allen / Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, MI  
- Urbanization and Health International Art Exhibition and Competition March 18 through December 31, 2022 / 3-D Virtual Gallery Exhibition / Digital Art Exhibit Flipbook Catalog / Art Impact International - Studio Gallery 208, NW, Washington, DC / / / Courtesy photo from Art Impact International -  Studio Gallery Archive - / / 

The sculpture embodies the hermetic representation of the prototype gene that keeps the human immune system in the stage of normal functionality. Scientific Remote Viewing studies have proven that by daily mental concentration to the image of this immuno-prototype defensive gene we can increase the self-healing process of various diseases.

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Egg I, Bronze, Detail, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                    Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Egg I - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Sillent Guardians, Front View, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

         Anne Furnaris - The Silent Guardians I - Back View 
Painted Terracotta - 18 inches x 11 inches x 29 inches / The sculpture 
was displayed at the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists Exhibit 2021, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan / Also, it was shown in the Annual Artists' Choice Exhibit September - October 2021 / 
Anton Arts Center, Mount Clemens, MI / Juried by Linda Allen / First Prize. 

Anne Furnaris, The Sillent Guardians, Back View, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

          Anne Furnaris - The Silent Guardians I - Front View 
Painted Terracotta - 18 inches x 11 inches x 29 inches / The sculpture 
was displayed at the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists Exhibit 2021, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan / Also, it was shown in the Annual Artists' Choice Exhibit September - October 2021 /  Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, MI / Juried by Linda Allen / First Prize. 

Anne Furnaris, The Sillent Guardians, Detail2,  Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

 Anne Furnaris - The Silent Guardians I - Back View - Detail

Anne Furnaris, The Sillent Guardians, Detail2, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                    Anne Furnaris - The Silent Guardians I -
                                         Front View - Detail

Anne Furnaris, The Eternal Lord of Time II, Acrylic on Wood, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                   Anne Furnaris - The Eternal Lord of Time II 
Mixed Media, Acrylic on Wood with Gold Leaf, Pebeo Relief Outliner, and Asian Gems - 30 inches x 40 inches

Anne Furnaris, The Alchemical Sun II, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan

                      Anne Furnaris - The Alchemical Sun II 
Painted Terracotta -  10 inches x 21 inches x12 inches / The sculpture was displayed at the Annual Exhibition February - March 2021 in the main gallery of the Romeo Art Center, Romeo, Michigan / Juror: Stephanie Sucaet Felckzak, studio instructor at the Detroit Institute of Arts. The artwork was donated to the Starkweather Society and Arts Center,  Romeo, MI in March 2021. 

Anne Furnaris, The Eternal Lord of Time III, Mixed Media, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                  Anne Furnaris - The Eternal Lord of Time III
Mixed Media, Acrylic on Wood with Gold Leaf, Pebeo Relief Outliner, and Asian Gems - 30 inches x 40 inches / The painting was displayed: 
- in the gallery of the Lakeside Palette Club, Saint Clair Shores, MI /  Spring Exhibit 2020 / First Place 
- in the main gallery of the Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, MI / 

"Looking Forward" Exhibit June - July 2021 / Juror: Candice Grieve / 
Anton Art Center with the Lakeside Palette Club of St. Clair Shores, Mount Clemens Art Association, Romeo Guild of Art, and Warren Tri County Fine Arts Association, Inc. / Honorable Mention 
- in the main gallery of the Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI / 
Michigan Annual Artists Exhibition January - February 2022 / Honorable Mention 

In the summer of 2020, during the meditation, remote viewing, and Samadhi sessions, I received the vision of the Eternal Lord of Time. He was and ever-is the Higher Being of Light and Soul of Universe living in the Etheric and Astral Spaces that interacts with our dimensional Physical Reality and the earthly Space-Time. Alike other Beings of Light, He revealed to me the esoteric knowledge that by the power of His Higher Vibration He transcended in our Matrix of Existence to help and save many of our human beings, to increase their genetic power of mental and physical survival in the drama of worldwide pandemics, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. 
He asked me to paint His projected Astral Body in a likewise Physical Form that could resemble the shape of our human body but containing Hermetic symbols and gems that activate and increase our genetic vibration. So, we become unaffected by the traumatic, climacteric, and micro genomic agents that have a negative interference with our biological and spiritual existence, and can cease our lives. He showed me the image I have to paint on wood, His image of the Soul of Universe and Eternal Lord of Time - the One who creates in the Cosmic Spaces of the Universe the Cycle of Time, and also maintains the flaming Light and Life of the Soul of Man. Moreover, He said that Time is nowadays our enemy making us mortal, but in the Future of the Ages, what we call Time is going to beget within our Genetic Essence the power of Immortality and Resurrection into the Life of Light (a higher transcended Form of Life for the Being of Man). 

He revealed to me that what is known as Iconography has a different meaning and purpose, and not what peoples of our world have thought until the time being. Iconography in His own telepathic words is "the cosmic emanation of the Logos of Creation that would manifest in some Incarnated Souls as a pure metaphysical science of the universe with the purpose of evolving the Mind and Consciousness of the sentient worlds of Mother-Stars. In the world of your ancient and pre-ancient times, the sacred metaphysical science of Iconography was practiced by the priestesses and priests of the Sun of Inner Creation (not the sun of the sky). The Priesthood of the Ancient Sun was the highest rank of your ancient kingdoms since the Priestesses and Priests of the Divine Sun were ruling the kingdoms together with the kings and queens."  
The sacred metaphysical sciences of the universe were taught to the Priests and Priestesses of the Sun by the White Brotherhood (meaning Beings of Light who were telepathically connected with the Ancient Priesthood of the Divine Sun), while the so-called Mystery Schools of the Initiates were founded and maintained by the evolved extraterrestrial races who were called Gods, those who were having the noble task to evolve spiritually and mentally your earthly Mankind. When the Mother-Star Earth (your Earth is not a planet as you might think) was invaded by the Archonic Satanic Races, and after millennia of war in between the invading Archons and the Earthman, the Priesthood of the Sun was annihilated by the invading Archons. That was the greatest tragedy that brought the Ages of Spiritual Darkness on Earthstar." 
In a night of the Full Moon, the Eternal Lord of Time requested that I would mold in terracotta a symbolic sculpture that will envision the Footprints of my Journey, the Journey of my Flesh and Inner Soul in this mortal life in which I (as any other human beings of this world) had to struggle, live, and survive through overwhelming sufferings. Looking in the mirror of my consciousness I could see an ocean with tides of huge sorrows that have become throughout the years of life unforgettable memories (an earthquake and several devastating floods in my native country, a childhood and adulthood that were cruelly victimized by the Sword of Destiny that forced me to live under the torture and oppression of the Communist regime, and many other unspoken sufferings that were conveyed in psychological, physical, and mental stigmata that I will carry with me until the end of this life). The sculpture entitled “The Footprints of my Journey IV” (see the following artwork) shows with its Gnostic-Hermetic vocabulary that despite all the vicissitudes and misfortunes of life, the fluidal energy and unceasing vibratory waves transmitted by the genetic matrix of our brain-mind do conjoin and are augmented with the Higher Astral and Etheric Vibrations of the Beings of Light (as the Lord of Time) giving us the mysterious powers to defeat any tragedy and catastrophe, and to fear no more in front of the Great Unknown. 

The Lord of Time opened for me the Gate of Gnostic Knowledge regarding the Eternal Laws of Creation, fluidal energy, and vibrating waves emanated by our brain-mind, the waves of Etheric Light emanated from our Spirit and Soul that enliven our evolving Individual Consciousness. I have the hope that these two artworks with their mystical-gnostic knowledge will give you the joy of living within your own Spirit-Soul, the pure joy that I was given making these artworks under the guidance of the Eternal Lord of Time. I have learned from Him that in the previous Aeons of Life, Mysticism was the highest science of all the Metaphysical Sciences venerated by the Immortals of Atlantis, our Noble Forefathers, and Foremothers. May their memory indwelling our vibrating genetic DNA enlighten the karmic path of your lives. May the invisible and imperceptible vibrations of the Eternal Lord of Time empower you to speak to your within Consciousness by deeply perceiving, thinking, and meditating upon these artworks! 

Anne Furnaris, The Eternal Lord of Time III, Detail, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

         Anne Furnaris - The Eternal Lord of Time III - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Footprints of my Journey IV, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

   Anne Furnaris - The Hermetic Footprints of my Journey IV 
                       (The Footprints of my Incarnated Soul) 

Painted terracotta - 21 inches x 18 inches x 3 inches / The sculpture 
was displayed to the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists Exhibit November - December 2020, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI 

Anne Furnaris, Sidereal Message I - Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                            Anne Furnaris - Sidereal Message I
Painted Terracotta - 21.5 inches x 8 inches x 7 inches 
The sculpture was shown to: 
- the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists Exhibit October - December 2020, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan 
- the Starkweather Society and Arts Center Annual Exhibit Febr. -  March 2021, Romeo, Michigan / Juror: Stephanie Sucaet-Felczat - Studio Instructor at the DIA / Awarded with the Second Prize 
- "Looking Forward" Exhibit June - July 2021 / Anton Art Center  (AAC), Mount Clemens, MI / Juror: Candice Grieve / The artwork was  on display in the Petitpren Community Gallery on the second floor of AAC, as well as virtually on the Anton Art Center’s website  ( exhibits) / Honorable Mention  
- "Have Your Say" Exhibition August - September 2021/ Grosse Pointe Artists  Association, Grosse Pointe, MI / Juror: Brian Dickenson, well-known columnist and editorial page editor for the Detroit Free Press / Honorable Mention.  


The sculpture is an artistic representation that combines the Hermetic and Gnostic symbology of the Mystery Schools to reveal the informational wave-vibration transcending day and night in the Individual Mind. The scientific neurophysiological studies performed in the last 20 years in many countries of Europe and the USA have shown that our Brain-Mind acts as a vibrational genomic antenna to the continuous flux of informational-waves-vibrations received from the Astral and Etheric Space-Time-Continuum of the Cosmic Universe. This phenomenon has explained the inception and development of human cognition, perception, consciousness, culture, science, and technology along the times. The genetic matrix of the neurons of the brain receives, analyzes, and decodes in our unconscious mind the entire cosmic flux of informational-wave-vibrations, whereas the decoding process is silent and unperceivable by the conscious mind. 

The artwork was created to become a vibrational image-sensor that would enhance our sentient and gnostic cognitive perception, and open a conscious bridge in between our Mind-linking Individual Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness. The sculpture contains esoteric and scientific visual-elemental symbology for the activation of the gnostic perception of the neuronal-genetic matrix, the higher perception that develops the spiritual-esoteric powers and thinking force of the Individual Mind. The scientific researchers concluded that the basic process of human mental and genetic evolution is controlled by the informational Astral and Etheric vibrations received from the Cosmic Cycle of Galactic Consciousness. Thus, it was explained the spontaneous inception and development of the Atlantean and post-Atlantean sacred sciences of astrology, numerology, Platonic geometry and theurgy, geomancy, etc., the mystical sciences that were transmitted to our ancient sages and civilizations. 

It has to be undoubtedly understood that our entire culture, sciences, philosophies, and religions have an intrinsic-esoteric content (known only by the initiates of the Mystery Schools and Arcane Organizations that have profound paradigmatic knowledge), and also an extrinsic content (known by the worldwide numberless peoples). Absorbed into the maelstrom of Ego-dominating Individual Consciousness and Mind, we have altered and thrown into the pit of falsehood the sacred sciences – among which the science of Astrology has been the metaphysical top of all the mystical-esoteric sciences of the forgotten ages of the past. 

The Atlantean Astrology had 13 houses of the Zodiac, while the gnostic meaning derived from the astrological computation was not the profane-exoteric meaning-knowledge of the modern astrology, but the foreseen gnostic visions enhanced by the use of the Astrolabe that could thoroughly unveil the karmic future and past seen into the Astral-Etheric Space-Time-Continuum of the Universe. Therefore, the ancient magicians and sages were the trained masters in Metaphysical Sciences that attained the power to look in the Mirror of the Cosmic and Universal Consciousness, and not in the modern mirror of the fake mental imagination and assumption for the purpose of attracting and deceiving the innocent victims that believe in today’s astrologers. 

Some of the magicians of the past (followers of the Arcane Schools of the Egyptian Pyramids) did have the Astral-Etheric power to perceive the Monad of Creation projected in the Mirror of Cosmic Consciousness, while by the Force of the Thought, the magicians were given the sacred visions revealing the past and future lives of any Incarnated Soul of the world. The tragic truth is that modern human beings have lost much of the paradigmatic diamonds-knowledge of the sacred-mystical sciences.  The main cause of the fall from the highest spiritual rank and metaphysical powers of our ancestors – Adam, Eve, Seth, and the Patriarchs – to the underdeveloped spiritual status of the peoples of the modern age is the uncontrolled development of scientific technology. We may not be aware that the materialistic-destructive force of scientific technology was the silent drama that brought to extinction many intelligent human races of our little-known Universe. 

Anne Furnaris, Sidereal Message I, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

         Anne Furnaris - Sidereal Message - Detail

Anne Furnaris, The Cycle of the Sun III, Bronze,  Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

           Anne Furnaris - The (Hermetic) Cycle of the Sun II
                      a.k.a. The Healing Sun of Life III 

Bronze - 27.5" x 11" x 6" / The sculpture was displayed at the Annual Alumni National Juried Exhibition April - May 2021 / College of  Creative Studies, Detroit, MI / Valade Family Gallery - Alfred Taubman Center, Detroit, MI / Juried by Brenda Goodman 

The sculpture is the hermetic representation of the Great Cycle of the Etheric Sun of the Universe (not the Cosmic Sun of our solar system). The upper side of the artwork depicts the Great Cause underlying the whole Existence and Non-Existence, the Cause of the Mind of One-Begetter-Father of All, the Cause manifesting through the Unbounded Space-Time or Eternal Space-Time. That Primordial Cause begat the Logos, while the Logos begot the Sacred Fire-Soul of Universe with Its Ethereal (Great) Spirit and Eternal Principles of Darkness and Light embodied in the lower side of the sculpture. Thereafter, within the Cycle of the Etheric Sun-Soul of Universe the Principles of Good and Evil were created, further manifesting as love and hatred, truth and falsehood, war and peace, etc. Moreover, the lower structure-fragment of the sculpture contains the symbolics of the World of Immortality (Ammenti) versus our World of the Mortals, and also the symbology of the descent of our Soul into the Afterlife World of Ammenti in which the Individual Soul is infused with theurgical or spiritual powers and forces.  

Anne Furnaris, The Cycle of the Sun III, Detail, Bronze,  Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

         Anne Furnaris - The Cycle of the Sun III - Detail 


                        Anne Furnaris - The Gates of the Sun II 
Painted Terra-Cotta - 18.5" x 32" X 29" / The sculpture was exhibited at Alumni National Juried Exhibit April - May 2021 - College of  Creative Studies (CCS), Detroit, MI / Valade Family Gallery - A. Alfred Taubman Center of CCS, Detroit, MI / Juror: Brenda Goodman 
(photo from the CCS Alumni Archive) 

The sculpture reveals the Hermetic Elementals of the Sun of Inner Creation-Universe (not the astronomical-cosmic sun), which have been described in many esoteric teachings of the Mystery Schools (Rosicrucian, Gnostic, Mithras in Persia, Brahm in India, Cabiri in Samothrace, Eleusis in Greece, of the Druids in Britain, of Osiris and Isis in the Ancient Egypt, etc.). Within the center of the elliptical Universe, there is the Inner Sun-Soul of All-Life and All-Light, the metaphysical Sun-giving the Spirit of Life and Light that pervade the entire Matrix of Universal Existence.
The Divine Elementals – Air, Water, Earth, Fire, and Ether are disclosed in mystical-esoteric forms containing numinous letters of the gnostic alphabet.  The Divine Elementals can be reached by the Soul of Mankind passing-transcending through the Gates of the Inner Sun, and further returning to our Individual Mind to bring us the Mysteries of Creation, Mysteries that have taken the material form in the Hermetic Sciences of Alchemy, Astrology, Theurgic Magic, Numerology, Theosophy, Platonic Geometry, etc. 


        Anne Furnaris - The Gates of the Sun II - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Mother Earth VI, Acrylic on Wood, Iconography in USA, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                  Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Mother Earth VI 
             Hermetic and Iconographic-Byzantine Painting  

  Acrylic on Wood with Gold Leaf - 30" x 40" / The painting was           
  displayed at: 
- the Annual Spring Art Exhibit May - June 2021 / Lakeside    Palette Club, St. Clair Shores, MI / Outstanding Mention 
- 60th Annual Thumb Area Artists' Exhibition September 2021 - displayed in the Gallery of Starkweather Arts Center, Romeo, MI / Juror: Fran Wolok 
- Artists Members Exhibit July 2021, Lawrence Street Gallery, Ferndale, MI 

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Mother Earth III, Detail, Acrylic on Wood, Iconography in USA, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

        Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Mother Earth VI - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Portal of the Mind, Painted Terracotta,  Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

               Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Portal of the Mind 
Painted Terracotta - 18" x 9" x 6" / The sculpture was exhibited to: 
- the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay Artists Exhibit October - December 2020, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI 

"Have Your Say" Exhibition August - September 2021 / Grosse Pointe Artists  Association, Grosse Pointe, MI / Juror: Brian Dickenson, well-known columnist and editorial page editor for the Detroit Free Press. 

- Artists Members Exhibit October - December 2021, Lawrence Street Gallery, Ferndale, MI 







      The True Core-Knowledge of Scientific Remote Viewing 

                          and the Human Astral-Etheric Portal 

                            (Multidimensional Thought-Image) 


You are asked to deeper concentrate in your mind and read many times the following paragraphs for the proper understanding, which cannot be superficial but profound and increased by truthful inner-volition. Life is not a random game of pleasure but the karmic struggle of your Soul to attain through mental volition the Spiritual Spheres of the Universe. Be faithful to your Soul not to the common thoughts of the mind. 


From the antediluvian times of the pre-ancient civilizations until nowadays we were acknowledged about the existence of a metaphysical portal within our mind, a miraculous portal described by hierophants, sages, avatars, buddhas, and enlightened human beings. The secret experimentation of Scientific Remote Viewing performed during the Twentieth Century in many countries of the world has proven the existence of the Astral-Etheric Portal (also known during the ages under the name of the Sacred Eye, Third Eye, or Human Cosmic Portal). It was scientifically established that the human being has a dormant or partially active Astral-Etheric Portal within the neuronal location of the pineal gland of the brain.

This mystical portal is a Thought-Image-moving channel through the terrestrial and cosmic matrix of the entire Space-Time and  Consciousness of the Universe. The discovery of the Human Astral-Etheric Portal during many years of experiments of Scientific Remote Viewing is somehow kept secret because the mind of the present world is not ready to receive and fully understand this great discovery that shall change forever the destiny of mankind. 

By the activation of this cosmic portal, we can perceive not only in our limited- tridimensional space, but also into the multidimensional space, time, and consciousness of the living cosmos and even beyond the matrix of the Cosmic Universe. According to the arcane knowledge of the Mystery Schools and to the studies of the Scientific Remote Viewing, the sculpture contains the main elemental imagery and structures of the Cosmic Portal located and detected by the scientists on the border in between our physical Space-Dimension and the next Space-Dimensions – the within Astral and Etheric Space Dimensions. 

The artwork has the purpose to replicate the knowledge of the Scientific Remote Viewing about the discovery of the Multidimensional Thought-Image, which constitutes the very foundation of the Human Spiritual Nature. The post-Renaissance and Materialistic-Modern eras have devolved and deactivated the Human Astral-Etheric Portal, and erroneously promoted the culture of the Linear Thought-Image, a lower stage of cognition and thinking within the Infinite and Eternal Universal Creation. The Hermetic symbolism of the artwork is a simple ladder of illumination for the conscious mind of the ones who have the mental-genetic impulse to return to the Multidimensional Thought-Image, to the powers of the Astral-Etheric Portal, to the spiritual paradigms and telepathic language of the Immortals of Atlantis, our forgotten ancestors. The telepathy is nothing else but the Multidimensional Thought-Image transcending through the Human Cosmic Portal to-and-from the limitless Space - locations of the Universe (final conclusion of the multiple studies of the Scientific Remote Viewing in many European countries in the Twentieth Century). 


Cognition is Thought-Image amplified by the neuronal DNA of the Individual Brain (acting as a Cosmic Space Antenna), which is further super-amplified to the countless magnitude of the Astral-Etheric Space by the Individual Mind of the Soul. The super-amplification is attained by the vibration of multiples waves of various natures within the complex matrix of the Universe. 


                       ------  Cognition -------- Thought-Image  ------

                       I                                                                                             I 

                       I                                                                                             I 

     Sentient Cognition                                                         Gnostic Cognition 

     Linear Thought-Image                    Multidimensional Thought-Image 

 Deactivated Astral-Etheric              Activated Astral-Etheric Portal 

 Portal / Cognition in the                    Scientific Remote Viewing / Telepathy 

 Materialistic Box                                  Metaphysical Christogrammic Images 

 Rational Thought / Perception        Hermetic and Symbolic Imagery  

 based on models of assumption      perpetuated by the Mystery Schools

Triquetra - Three Overlapping Vesica Piscis Symbols.jpg
Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Portal of the Mind, Detail,  Painted Terracotta,  Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

     Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Portal of the Mind - Detail

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Mother Earth V, Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Mother Earth V / 
                     The Protectress of our Habitat of Life 

Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner - 48" x 36" /  The painting was displayed at Art Impact@ International Inc., 3-D Virtual Gallery/Exhibition  April 22, 2022 - July 31, 2022, Washington D.C., Protect the Habitat, Save the Planet, International Competition and Exhibit, Honorable Mention, see the video + virtual exhibit to internet archive / 


The Hermetic and Gnostic writings – from the pre-ancient Egyptian until the present times – have acknowledged us about the existence of the Prima Materia (First Matter or Perennial Matrix) and Seconda Materia (Second Matter or Temporal Matrix) of the Cosmic Mother Earth. The Prima Materia is metaphysical in its structure-nature and manifested existence, whereas the Seconda Materia is represented by what we know as physical terrestrial reality-world (our habitat of life) in terms of perceptive-sentient cognition and Ego- ruling Human Mind that create the dogmatic culture of materialistic knowledge.

The most ancient writing of Mankind – the Emerald Tablets of Thoth of Atlantis – shows that Mother Earth is not the lifeless cosmic body from our astronomical science, but a Cosmic Being with Spirit-Soul ever-pervading Her Matrix of Prima and Seconda  Materia. The kernel-core of the earthly Soul of the Earth is known as the Great House of Amenti with the Lotus-Flower of Life, the crucible of the Spirit of Light and Life-sustaining and protecting all known and unknown Forms of Life of the terrestrial biosphere. 


According to the above metaphysical knowledge, my painting reveals a  fragment of the Prima Materia of Mother Earth. In the center of the painting, there is the anthropomorphic head of the Cosmic Mother Earth, the hermetic symbol of Her Cosmic Consciousness that unites in One Image of Creation all the Life-Forms of the terrestrial biosphere. On top of Her anthropomorphic head, there is the Lotus-Flower of Life of Amenti that fuels with Light and Life-Energy all the earthly life-forms (the Perpetuum Mobile that Newton looked for all his life as a physicist, astronomer, and astrologer ). 

The painting contains multiple symbols of the Hermetic Alphabet to acknowledge our Individual Consciousness and Mind about the seen and unseen Astral-Etheric hands of love of the Great Mother Earth that hold us all, protecting us from our self-destructive nature and behavior, and protecting Her from our scientific technology that is destroying every day the biosphere with our habitat of life. The truth above all conceptual truths of our conscious mind is that without the Pure Love for the Mother Earth, there will never exist and manifest what we call our Biophilia, or the conscious impulse to protect our terrestrial Earth with the vegetal, animal, and human life-forms, to protect the  underlying matrix of existence for the whole planet. The painting embodies the cry of our Consciousness and Soul to return first of all to the ancient truthful love for our Cosmic Mother Earth, and then to biophilia (which needs our conscious wisdom to act with full passion and responsibility for the protection of the entire planetary habitat of life, and not to end up to the common impulse of verbal and emotional manifestation).  

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Mother Earth of Biophilia, Detail, Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                 Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Mother Earth V / 
              The Protectress of our Habitat of Life - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Archangel Michael - The Defender of Humanity, Acrylic on Wood with Gold Leaf and Asian Gems, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                           Anne Furnaris - Archangel Michael

                                * The Defender of  Humanity*  

               Hermetic and Byzantine-Iconographic Painting 

Acrylic on Wood with Gold Leaf and Asian Gems - 30" x 40" / Displayed at: 

- the Annual Artists' Choice Exhibit September - October 2021 /  Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, MI / Juried by Linda Allen 

- Lawrence Street Gallery Members Exhibit December 2021, Ferndale, MI 


Michael is the chief archangel of the Heavens in the millennial religions of  Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. In the Orthodox and Catholic systems of faith, he is called Saint Michael the Archangel, the mediator between God and our earthly people that need Divine protection for their karmic life.

My painting reveals the Byzantine Iconographic-Theosophical portrait of Archangel Michael with His esoteric symbology showing that Saint Michael is one of the seven Spirits standing before the High Throne of God (the Revelation of John 4:5 "From the throne came flashes of lightning, and rumblings and peals of thunder, and before the throne were burning seven torches of fire, which are the seven spirits of God"). 

Moreover, the Archangel Michael is the Perfect Spirit that guides in the Afterlife the Souls of the Righteous Ones of the Ages to the Eternal Kingdom of Paradise, the kingdom of All-Eternities. 

Anne Furnaris, Archangel Michael, Detail, The Defender of Humanity, Acrylic on Wood with Gold Leaf, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                       Anne Furnaris - Archangel Michael

                   * The Defender of Humanity* - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Progenitor of Christmas, Acrylic on Wood with Gold Leaf and Asian Gems, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                Anne Furnaris - The Progenitor of Christmas 

                                     a.k.a.  I am the Light II 

                Hermetic and Byzantine-Iconographic Painting 

Acrylic on Wood with Gold Leaf and Asian Gems - 30" x 40" / Displayed at the "Feast for the Eyes" Exhibit November - December 2021 /  Gallery of the Grosse Pointe Artists Association, MI / Juried by Alex Fedirko, assistant art director of The Parade Company, with the assistance of the company’s art director Eric Schmitt. Fedirko and Schmitt lead a team of artists and hundreds of volunteers to create a moving feast of sight and sound that always punctuates old favorites with new experiences. 


My artwork reveals the Hermetic nature, gnostic manifestation, and esoteric content comprised within the ritualistic tradition of Christmas. The portrait of Christ is not only the iconographic image of His physical face, but the esoteric Consciousness of Christ translated into the metaphysical imagery of Hermetic symbols and transmitted to our human mind as gnostic mysteries of the Etheric space of Divine Life - mysteries perpetuated by the rituals of Christmas. Thereafter, the gnostic mysteries are conveyed into human sacred visions by the Individual Unconscious Mind. 

Anne Furnaris, The Progenitor of Christmas - Detail, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

  Anne Furnaris - The Progenitor of Christmas - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Boat of Eternity, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                                   Anne Furnaris - The Boat of Eternity 
Painted Terracotta - 11" x 18" x 9" / The sculpture was exhibited at: 
- the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay and Sculpture Artists Exhibit October - December 2021, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI
- Starkweather Art Center,  Annual Spring Exhibit February 3 - March 24, 2023, Romeo, Michigan,  

Anne Furnaris, The Boat of Eternity, Detail, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                 Anne Furnaris - The Boat of Eternity - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Wheel of the Stars, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

               Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Wheel of the Stars 

    aka The Cycle of colliding Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets

Painted Terracotta - 20" x 14" x 7" / The sculpture was exhibited at:  -- the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay and Sculpture Artists Exhibit October - December 2021, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI

- the Worlds Collide Exhibit a.k.a. Hybrid Challenge June 6 - July 15, 2022, Juror Steve Miller, Grosse Pointe Artists Association, MI  

                                                       * * * * * * *

The upper part of the artwork is a symbolic representation of the cycle of asteroids and meteorites from the cosmic Asteroid Belt, while the lower segment of the sculpture reveals a few comets from our solar system and various galactic regions of the Universe. These cosmic bodies have zodiacal light and zodiacal cloud particles, and all of them are colliding or coming closer to our planet endangering the terrestrial biosphere. There is a big-size comet known as the “Destroyer” (seen in the lower side of the sculpture) that has an ecliptic time (spinning around the sun) of 575 years, and every 575 orbital years comes closer to the planet Earth causing disastrous floods, continental storms, and catastrophic earthquakes. The historical data of different sources shows that the ‘Destroyer’ comet caused the biblical Deluge from 11,022 BC, the cataclysmic quake in the Northern Europe from 1680 AD, and also the Santorini (ancient name Thera) volcanic eruption from 1600 BC with the total destruction of the ancient Minoan civilization and the great shifting of the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. The Destroyer comet will come again closer to the Earth in the year 2255 AD.

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Wheel of the Stars, Detail, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

             Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Wheel of the Stars - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Gnostic Symbology of Divine Christmas, Acrylic on Wood with embeded Asian Gems, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                Anne Furnaris - The Gnostic Symbology of Christmas 


Acrylic on wood with embedded multi-colored (reflecting and refracting light)  Asian gems /  82 inches x 18 inches x 1 inches / Displayed at the "Feast for the Eyes" Exhibit November - December 2021 /  Gallery of the Grosse Pointe Artists Association, Michigan /

Juried by Alex Fedirko, assistant art director of The Parade Company, with the assistance of the company’s art director Eric M.  Schmitt. 


For over 2,000 years, the Mystery Schools have unfolded the gnostic symbology of the ritualistic Christmas. Embodying the spirit of this arcane knowledge, my artwork contains multiple-colored Asian gems reflecting and transmitting higher photonic, Astral, and Etheric light with sensitive vibrations for the purpose of enhancing the perceptive symbols of Christmas and perpetuating the cosmic energy that evolves the human consciousness. 

Anne Furnaris, The Gnostic Symbology of Christmas, Detail,  Acrylic on Wood with embeded Asian Gems, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

    Anne Furnaris - The Gnostic Symbology of Christmas - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Christ - The Light of the World, Acrylic on Canvas with Gold Leaf and Pebeo Outliner, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                Anne Furnaris - Christ - The Light of the World 

             Byzantine-Iconographic and Theological Painting 

Acrylic on Wood with Gold Leaf and Pebeo Outliner / 36" x 24" 

Anne Furnaris, Christ - The Light of the World, Detail, Acrylic on Canvas with Gold Leaf and Pebeo Outliner, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

              Anne Furnaris  - Christ - The Light of the World - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Holy Spirit III, Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner and Asian Gems, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                                   Anne Furnaris - The Holy Spirit III 

                   Byzantine-Iconographic-Theological Painting


Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner and Asian Acrylic Gems / 60 inches x  36  inches / Displayed at the  Winter Art Exhibit  November - December 2021 / Lakeside Palette Club, Saint Clair Shores, Michigan / Outstanding Mention / 

Juror: Tony Warren, professional artist, art collector, and receiver of over 100 awards and recognitions in over 110 exhibitions. Tony designed and created awards for such notables as George Bush, Tiger Woods, Jeff Gordon, Ronald Regan, Richard Childress, Date Earnhardt, Rick Hendricks, and top General Motors executives and dealers nationwide. 

Anne Furnaris, The Holy Spirit III, Detail, Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner and Asian Gems, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                    Anne Furnaris - The Holy Spirit III - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, Fountain of Life V, Front View, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

             Anne Furnaris - The Eye of All-Knowing - Front View 
                                       aka The Fountain of Life V 

Painted Terracotta - 20" x 13" x 10" / The sculpture was displayed at: 

- the Annual Claire Mott White Michigan Clay and Sculpture Artists Exhibit October - December 2021, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, MI 

- Flora and Fauna Exhibit - January - March 2022 / Anton Art Center (AAC), Mount Clemens, MI with the Lakeside Palette Club of St. Clair Shores, Mount Clemens Art Association, Romeo Guild of Art, Warren Tri County Fine Arts Association, Inc. and Shelby Township Fine Art Society / The artwork was  on display in the Petitpren Community Gallery on the second floor of AAC, as well as virtually on the Anton Art Center’s website ( / exhibits) and Lakeside Palette Club of St. Clair Shores' website.

Juried by Jeanne Bieri (MFA in Painting from Wayne State University, and later taught at the University of Michigan Dearborn, Wayne State University, and Henry Ford Community College, along with showing her work across Michigan and the Midwest). 


In the beginning was the Great Void, and the void was formless and infinite – conceived by the Mind of the One Creator Self-existing forever. The Formless became Form, transcending All-Space and All-Time. Thereafter, the Form begot the Fountain of Life, which gave birth to Flora and Fauna, while the instinct of Life has perpetuated the whole matrix of Eternal Creation. The instinct of Life is the Force and Energy ever-begetting the Spirit of Life – the Spirit seen and comprehended by mortals as the engine of the Eternal Universe. 

Anne Furnaris, Fountain of Life V, Back View, Painted Terracotta, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

         Anne Furnaris - The Eye of All-Knowing - Back View                                                                      aka The Fountain of Life V 

Anne Furnaris, The Heart of Heavens, Front View, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                  Anne Furnaris - The Heart of Heavens - Front View 

Bronze - Hot Patina / 19 inches x 10 inches x 4 inches / The sculpture was displayed  at: 

- the Annual Exhibit February - March 2022 / Gallery of the Starkweather Arts Center, Romeo, MI / Honorable Mention / 

- Michigan Artists Invitational July 8 - August 5, 2022,  Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan / 

Anne Furnaris, The Heart of Heavens, Back View, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

             Anne Furnaris - The Heart of Heavens - Back View 

Bronze - Hot Patina / 19 inches x 10 inches x 4 inches / The sculpture was displayed at

- the Annual Michigan Exhibition February/March 2022, Starkweather Arts Center, Romeo, MI, Honorable Mention /  

Michigan Artists Invitational July 8 - August 5, 2022,  Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan / 

Anne Furnaris, Ancient God of Peace III, Front View, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

           Anne Furnaris - Ancient God of Peace III - Front View 
                        aka The Silent Guardians of the Earth III 

Painted Terracotta / 48.5 inches x 38 inches x 12 inches 
The sculpture was displayed at Art Impact@ International Inc., 3-D Virtual Gallery
/Exhibition  September 21 - December 31, 2022, Washington D.C., War or Peace, International Competition and Exhibit, see the video + virtual exhibit in internet archive / 

War has been the living tragedy and evil impulse of humanity since  countless thousands of years of recorded and unrecorded history. As the  great majority of peoples, I have always loved peace that has been  promoted since the times of antiquity by higher evolved Races of Beings  known as the good Gods and Goddesses who came from other galactic  worlds of our universe to seed and nurture in the consciousness of our  thirsty-for-war mankind the inner desire and behavior of everlasting  peace. My purpose in doing these artworks was to acknowledge  everybody about the ancient Gods who taught us from immemorial times  that living in peace is the highest human right that would give to anyone  the Right to Life. If there is no Peace - as mental, social, spiritual,  behavioral, and  inherited manifestation - the paradigm of war will subjugate the mind of  those who would come to take your life. Sadly to say, Peace has  disappeared from the traditional list of Human Rights.  Some of the ancient Gods created the Peace-Culture that was known as the Sacred Law of Life, and subsequently, those civilizations did not know warfare and lived in  brotherhood and sisterhood (remember the God Thoth of Atlantis and the ancient civilization of Khem / Khemu). 

My artworks contain Hermetic  consciousness, Gnostic symbols and structures that have the power to generate spiritual patterns in the subconscious mind, patterns that in time will reach the conscious mind as thoughts, feelings, and telepathic  messages of peace. Thereafter, you may become cognizant that peace  manifest as powerful energy prevailing over the human consciousness, and this metaphysical energy gives you wisdom, pure love for all peoples, knowledge to create a  free world without discrimination, torture, and injustice.  Metaphysical Peace-energy is the  highest treasure for the mind, thought, and consciousness. 

Anne Furnaris, Ancient Goddess of Peace III, Back View,

                 Anne Furnaris - Ancient Goddess of Peace III - Back View                                                    aka The Silent Guardians of the Earth III 

Painted Terracotta / 48.5 inches x 38 inches x 12 inches The sculpture was displayed at Art Impact@ International Inc., 3-D Virtual Gallery/Exhibition  September 21 - December 31, 2022, Washington D.C., War or Peace, International Competition and Exhibit, see the video + virtual exhibit in internet archive / 


The medium of the sculpture is terracotta, which means in the ancient Latin and Celtic languages “Soul of Mother Earth” (Cotta = Soul, Terra = Mother Earth), and thus, the atomic structure of terracotta is pervaded by the fluidal energy from the Soul of the Cosmic Mother Earth. This sacred energy has the magical force to grow the consciousness of those who are searching for the Eternal Truth of Creation, and for the wisdom of living in peace and spiritual knowledge. The Hermetic and Gnostic symbols engraved on the surface of the artwork speak about the ancient Gods of Peace that implanted in the mind and consciousness of humanity the archetype of peace, so the tragedy of warfare-giving degeneration of life would be eradicated from the present consciousness of terrestrial civilization, while the natural desire to respect and promote the Human Rights will protect mankind from the apocalyptical end.

Anne Furnaris, Ancient God of Peace III, Detail,

                           Anne Furnaris - Ancient God of Peace III - Detail 

Anne Furnaris, The Genomic Movement and Rest, Acrylic on Canvas, Professional Artists in USA, Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

             Anne Furnaris - The Genomic Movement and Rest 
Acrylic on Canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner / 60 inches x 36 inches / 

discovered that our biological bodies have 30 trillions of cells, while each single cell has an alternating cycle of moving (awakening) genomic DNA and resting genomic DNA. The upper side of the painting is the emblematic depiction of the resting DNA within the cellular microscopic world that takes the artistic signature of structure-into-structure of vivid colors and merging forms. The lower side of the artwork reveals the moving of genomic DNA that is the key-factor for countless physiological processes of the human biology, and this genomic movement has the perceptible  mark of energizing color-forces flowing throughout the microcosm-world of point-like-forming cells and various subcellular structures.

The Temple of the Sun - Front View.jpg

                        Anne Furnaris - The Temple of the Sun 
Painted Terracotta / 28 inches x 12 inches x 9 inches / The sculpture was shown to the Artists Choice Show September 6 - October 13, 2022, in Anton Art Center Gallery of Mount Clemens, MI in collaboration with the Lakeside Palette Club of St. Clair Shores, Mount Clemens Art Association, Romeo Guild of Art, Shelby Township Fine Art Society, and Warren Tri-County Fine Arts Association, Inc. / Juror: Roselyn Rhodes. 

Anne Furnaris, The Immortal Guardians of Humanity., Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

     Anne Furnaris - The Immortal Custodians of Humanity 

Acrylic on canvas with Pebeo Relief Outliner / 72 inch. x 36 inch. 
The painting was displayed to the Annual All Media Exhibit January 13 - February 3, 2023, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint, Michigan / Juror: Sarah Kohn - Curator of Collections and Exhibitions at Flint Institute of Arts / Best of the Show / 

Anne Furnaris, The Immortal Custodians of Humanity, Detail,

 Anne Furnaris - The Immortal Custodians of Humanity - Detail

Anne Furnaris, The Cosmic Pendulum I, Bronze, Professional Artists in USA,  Fine Arts in USA, Visual Arts in USA, Professional Artists in Michigan, Fine Arts in Michigan, Visual Arts in Michigan,

                    Anne Furnaris - The Cosmic Pendulum I 

                            aka The Prophetic Pendulum 

Bronze / The sculpture is displayed at CCS Alumni Exhibit April 28 - May 29, 2023 / Juror: Sabrina Nelson, 2021 Kresge Arts in Detroit Visual Arts Fellow  / Valade Family Gallery, A. Alfred Taubman Center for Design Education, Detroit, Michigan / Re/View is a juried exhibition of work by CCS (Collège of Creative Studies)  Alumni from across the country. The juror had the challenging job to choose from the artworks of 250 artists from around the country that submitted their artworks. 

© Copyright * 2018 by Anne Furnaris

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2018 by Anne Furnaris 

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